The Reichenbach Fall Part 7

Start from the beginning

"The computer key code." We all stood.

"Of course, he's selling it. The program he used to break into the Tower. He planted it when he came around." Sherlock smiled, finally understanding, he lowered the gun.

Gunshots were fired from the air and the assassin in front of us dropped to the ground dead. I took a step back in shock, and looked to the rooftop where the shots had to have come from.

Sherlock and I ran, panting before ducking into an alcove.

"It's a game changer. It's a key. It could break into any system and it's sitting in our flat right now. That's why he left that message telling everyone where to come 'Get Sherlock'. We need to get back into the flat and search." Sherlock said.

"CID will be camped out. Why plant it on you? Another subtle way of smearing your name?" I asked, looking behind the corner and hearing sirens again.

"I assume so, now I'm best pals with all those criminals." Sherlock said. My eyes darted to a newspaper stand that had the SUN just next to where we were hiding.

"Yeah, well, have you seen this?" I asked, grabbing a copy to show Sherlock. "A kiss and tell. Someone named Rich Brook. Who is he? Mycroft showed it to me."

Sherlock's eyes grew wide when he saw the name of the writer.

"I know where we need to go, come on." He took off running.

We had now broken into a flat and were sitting on the couch. I assumed I knew where we were even though Sherlock didn't tell me: Kitty Riley's flat. My suspicions were confirmed when the door creaked open and the lights flipped on.

"Too late to go on the record?" Sherlock asked, as Kitty's eyes grew wide when they landed on the two of us in her couch.

I had handed Sherlock the bobby pin that we used to break into her flat, so he could undo his handcuff before I did mine.

"Congratulations. The truth about Sherlock Holmes. The scoop that everybody wanted and you've got it. Bravo." Sherlock growled at her. She now sat across from where we were.

"I gave you your opportunity. I wanted to be on your side, remember?" She said. "You turned me down, you both did."

"And then, lo and behold, someone turns up and spills the beans. How utterly convenient. Who is Brook?" Sherlock asked. She shook her head like she wasn't going to answer.

"Oh, come on, Kitty. No one trusts the voice at the end of a telephone. There were all those furtive little meetings in cafes, those sessions in the hotel room where he gabbled into your Dictaphone." I seethed with anger.

"How do you know that you can trust him. A man turns up with the Holy Grail in his pocket. What were his credentials?" Sherlock asked, and I could hear the sound of the door opening directly behind me.

"Darling, they didn't have any ground coffee, so I just got normal." A voice spoke from behind me, my eyes went wide and looked to Sherlock as I recognized it. I quickly turned around and was met face to face with James Moriarty.

He dropped the bag of groceries and backed up against the wall, his hand raised.

"You said that they wouldn't find me here. You said that I'd be safe here." He spoke, his voice trembling, no where near the same as the Moriarty I knew.

"You are safe, Richard. I'm a witness. They wouldn't harm you in front of witnesses." Kitty said.

"Richard? So, that's your source? Moriarty is Richard Brook." I argued.

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