Chapter 6 ~ Game On

Start from the beginning

I pout and walk over to the bathroom. After taking the quickest shower I could I run out with my towel wrapped around me to find Liam sat on the bed, fully dressed, waiting for me. How sweet! I grab some clothes and change quickly into them. We have toast for breakfast, and then head off to the supermarket.


I know it would be chaos from the moment we walk in. Liam grabs a trolley and we head inside. A couple of fans asked for signatures on the way through the car park, but nothing much. Once we head inside that is when everything went downhill. The worse thing is, Liam being Liam likes to see every single one of his fans because he cares about them so, so much. We go to the magazine and newspaper aisle of the supermarket and while I’m trying to find my magazine of the week Liam signs a few autographs from passers-by once again. But then we hit the food aisles. Fans must’ve found out Liam Payne was here because they flood in from all directions. My eyes widen and Liam tugs my arm and runs towards a member of staff. The man takes us into the back to help us get out of the way of the fans, but we didn’t bring our trolley.

“So sorry about that, for disturbing your supermarket. We’d run out of supplies and I hoped if we came earlier it wouldn’t be so busy. I was wrong,” Liam shakes his head and looks at the floor.

“It’s fine, we’ve told everyone if they’re not buying anything they must leave and now everyone’s is buying things! Actually I think it is best if we thank you!” the man says while Liam’s eyes widen, bewildered.

They led us out of the back door after a woman went around the shop and got our shopping. A car was waiting to take us back to Liam’s place. Liam tips the staff generously and we head off. Inside the car is sat a rather round man with a smiling face as he speaks into his Blackberry. I look at Liam as we strap ourselves in but his face is blank from expressions. As soon as the man comes off the phone his face turns from smiling to stern.

“Liam, what is this I hear about some catastrophe in the supermarket?” the man asks as the car jolts forward.

Liam sighs. “I thought going early wouldn’t cause as much disruption. I was wrong. I’m sorry Paul, but it was my fault. I shouldn’t have decided to come without warning the supermarket or taking a bodyguard.”

Paul nods. “That’s right Liam.” Paul turns to me. “When were you going to introduce me to your friend? You know I prefer to know when one of you five have a girlfriend in case of any fan problems.”

“Sorry Paul. This is Lexi, Lexi this is our manager Paul,” Liam introduces us.

I smile politely and shake his hand. He gives me a small smile back and then they start talking business while I cuddle under Liam’s arm. Liam strokes my hair gently while talking to Paul and I relax. I wonder what the boys have planned for this afternoon.


“SHOPPING!” screams Louis at the top of his lungs as we sit in the deserted park by the duck pond.

“Louis, I think Lexi and I have had enough problems with shopping today. Not to be rude or anything, but that is a bad idea with the fans finding out we’re back in London. We need somewhere where no one will recognize us,” Liam says, putting his thinking face on.

We sit in silence for a bit while I chuck the remains of an old piece of bread into the duck pond, where both the male and female ducks battle for. I laugh and Liam smiles at me, kissing my nose delicately.

“LASER QUEST!” shouts Harry, making all of us jump with fright.

“YEAH!” Zayn pleads, looking mostly at strict old Liam.


“I love laser quest. It is pretty awesome. I don’t mind. If that’s what the boys want then laser quest it is,” I shrug.

Liam looks uncertain but after nodding several times to persuade him he gives in and says yes. Harry drives us with Zayn in the passenger seat and Louis, Niall and Liam. Due to the fact there aren’t enough seats in Harry’s car, I am snuggled up on Liam’s knee, probably looking like a piranha clinging to him. Liam calls Laser Quest to tell them we’re coming and pays extra to have it private. They agree and Louis cheers for joy.

“We’re so going to whip your ass little Lexi!” Niall teases and I laugh.

“Of course, of course. You persuade yourself that is true. But we both know I’m quite amazing at this,” I reply simply.

We head in, go downstairs and get all ready with the gear. Liam promises me he’ll try and stick with me and I smile and tell him I’m a big girl. He doesn’t look convinced but I know he hates leaving me so I kiss him gently and we wait to go in, watching the safety video with Harry reciting the video off by heart. Niall’s in hysterics that he actually knows all the words whereas Liam is shaking his head.

“You’ve been here way too many times,” Liam says.

Finally we’re sent through, and we wait at the black door all lined up.

“Good luck Lexi, you’re going to need it,” Zayn says with a wink.

“Game on pretty boy,” I reply with a laugh.

Oooo exciting ;) I absolutely love Laser Quest! It’s pretty cool. So I just felt like I wanted to add that into this chapter, and it will be the focus of the next chapter. I’m sorry this is a bit late but I did in fact upload this on my little break at my grandparents! Plus I have this ‘mini project’ in geography which is actually a MASSIVE project. I know, excuses, excuses! But I swear I do! I will try upload ASAP and sorry for the late upload here. :( I feel quite bad about it :( but at least I uploaded eventually right?! Ahaha okay cya! Xoxoxo




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