EST : Kyungsoo's Birthday

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Me : Baekhyun!!! Can you call Kyungsoo for me?

Baekhyun : *arms crossing* You really want to sacrifice me to satansoo right? *pouting*

Me : Get Kyungsoo now.

Baekhyun : *stomping feet*

Kyungsoo : Why are you calling me?  *dragging Baekhyun in between his armpit*

Me : Its about your birthday present

Kyungsoo : *drop Baekhyun instantly* *sit next to me like an obedient puppy*

Baekhyun : I doubt the sincerity in that obedience *hurriedly leaves the room*

Kyungsoo : *glaring* So. Whats my birthday present??  *high pitched question *

Me : Okay dont be that excited. Actually i didnt get you any present-

Kyungsoo : *turned into a fierce bulldog*

Me : Wait wait! I mean. Thats why I called you.  I dont know what to get for you. So-

Kyungsoo : *hurriedly writing a list* *hand it to me*

Me : Okay that was fast. *peek at the list*

1. New knives
2. New knives
3. New knives

Me :

Me :

Kyungsoo : * grinning*

Me : I dont think-

Kyungsoo : Buy me that and i spare Baekhyun's head for you.

Me :

Me : You didnt just trade Baekhyun's life with knives right?

Kyungsoo : *walks out of the room*



Chapter 3 EST is up y'alls!! Keep reading EXOCTIONS, give EST lots of loves and do comment!! Okay now who's gonna bow? /grabs Lay/ /Lay bows/

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