The Task

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  • Dedicated to BoisterousGirl, Madiboo16, and LifeSucksThenYouDie

Hey, everyone!! I FINALLY UPLOADED!! Lol SORRY FOR THE MISTAKES!! Hopefully you will like this chapter. It get's more into the guys life. Hopefully The "GUYS DRAMA" makes sense!!! :D LOL! <3 <3 <3


What I did earlier today play in my head. How can I be so stupid?! I want to protect her, and now I ruin everything! But, I swear if Siele puts her in this I will hurt him. I don't care if he's my uncle, I will do anything to protect, Dara.

Turning off the engine, I took deep breathes letting the anger out of me. Getting out the car I follow behind everyone else as we enter our house. "Way to go, Raphael!" Kevin Says with his back on me.

"Shut up." I irritatingly say. Walking up the stairs all I could think is the image of Siele torturing her. The girl I love.

"Guys!" Eli shouts "Come now!"

"Ugh! What isn't now?" I say whispering to myself.

Why is Eli in Dad's home office? No one goes in there. "Eli, why the fuck are you in he-" I froze as I saw familiar faces of men standing in front of my dad's desk. The door flew open behind me as the others enter. "Why are you guys here?!" Eli asks softly with a hint of anger.

"Well, it's nice to see you all, again." A man says huskily. I remember that voice. I met his gaze as he raise his brow "It's been long hasn't it." he takes a step closer.

"Why are you here?" I demand taking a step closer.

"Orders." he reply bluntly.

A shocking pain spread through my body making me fall to the floor. I remember this pain from before. I am being tazed by one of the man in a black tux. "Sorry." I hear a faint voice speak as the man cover my mouth with a white cloth making me go unconscious.

I shot open my eyes feeling cold water hit my body. "Seriously?!" I shout, trying to break the rope that held my hands.

"Welcome back, guys." Cleath says widening his eyes as if this was a surprise. Glancing to my right then left I notice all fourteen of us were tied up on a chair. Memories crept into my mind that I hid long ago. One that haunts me the most replayed over and over again in my mind. Noticing the room it still look the same since the last time I tortured a man. But, why are we in here? We aren't enemies unless they see us as targets.

The cold room still had the smell of metallic and the cold cement floor. The light is tint as I heard a screeching noise to my right. Aiden enters holding aqua blue towels in his hands. Release them, now." Aiden demands.

A man that looked around thirty cut my rope. The pressures around my wrist from the rope loosen and it felt amazing. I stretch them out from the ache.

"Here," he threw at each of us a towel "take a shower in your rooms, and your clothes are waiting for you." You all have an hour to do so." he walks towards the door, but turns half way around to face us "I'm sure you guys remember where your rooms are." he smirks one last time "Stay in your rooms until your own personal guard comes and get you." Aiden finish and walk out the door letting it swing shut.

"That means we're in-"

"England." Cleath finishes for me "Welcome back, guys." he says again.

Do you think they changed our rooms?" Matt whispers leaning towards Kevin.

"Shut up." Kevin says through his breath.

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