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         My door swings open and I glare up to see Sara strutting in, smirking with a raise brow.

         "What do you want?" I looked back at my math problem, I really hate math.

         She sat down making my bed sink. I straighten up and put down my pencil. "I don't want anything, I just want to ask if you and Raphael are really dating." she looks at her nails as if she didn't have any interest in asking.

        "Yes, we're dating." I nearly mumble under my breath.

        She got up, and smiled devilishly. "Ok." and walks out the room. What was that all about?

                                                                                   * ** * * * *  

       "She's such a loser!" a girl points at me and looks at me disgustingly "Who the fuck are you looking at?" she snaps at me. Then she, spit in my hair, and her spit also got onto my face.

       I stopped in my tracks; my face, and hair was filled with her nasty spit! I just want to be gone!! I hate this! I shut my eyes in disgust, and laughter filled my ears from every corner. I open my eyes feeling so embarrassment.

       Don't cry, Dara. Don't cry! I told myself.

       NO! I felt my tears roll down my cheeks; I dropped my head, and ran to the nearest girl bathroom as fast as I could. Thank goodness, no one was in the bathroom. I washed my face and looked at the girl that looked back at me with blood shot red eyes.

        I washed my face, and my hair. Why! I grip onto the sink. I'm done with this; I pulled out my dad prescription for his pains. I twist the cap off, and stared into the bottle filled with white huge pills, lying there, waiting to be swallowed.

       If I do this, everything will be fine. My sister would be happy, my mom would be happy, and everyone else in the school would not be disgusted of my face anymore.

        I feel a tingling vibration in my bag; it was text from my sister. 'Hey, bitch, dad said come straight home after school.'

        Did she really have to call me a bitch? I let out a small cry.

        'There's no need to wait up for me, because I won't be here any longer. I love you, Sara. I've always loved you even though you always had put me down. And when I'm gone be there for dad and mom. Tell mom, I'm sorry for everything. And tell dad that I'm sorry. I hope you, and mom will be happy.'

       I pressed send and put it back in my bag. "I'm sorry." I whisper to myself. Tears fell as I take the first pill, then the second, the third, then after that I lost count. The bottle only had six pills left. I felt dizzy, and everything became blurry. I lost my footing and fell to the cold bathroom floor, spilling the six white pills onto the floor. I stared at the ceiling, and my world was spinning.  Everything was becoming blurry, and before I went unconscious I heard my name "Dara!" someone gasps.

     Raphael's POV

       I miss, Dara, already. I chuckle to myself remembering her laughter, her smile. She was the first girl that ever made me feel this way, but I really miss Gia, she was a really good friend until she became clingy, and when I found out her father was the one who killed my parents, I couldn't date her, anymore.

        After I turn 18, I have no choice but to take over my father's company. That's what my father wanted, but right now my uncle is taking care of it. I felt butterflies, just thinking about, Dara. I shook my head, I can't believe she can make me feel this way.

        "RAPHAEL!" Ethan cuts my thoughts and I looked up to the door. He was panting, and his eyes were filled with worry. I knew something was up "Ethan, shouldn't you be in class!" Mr. Olden, my history teacher scolded. "Da..." he tried to catch his breath "Dara," he took a breath "she overdosed!"

        My eyes widen, no, she couldn't have! I got up from my seat and ran after Ethan. Mr. Olden followed worriedly after us.

        Ethan led us to the girl's bathroom, and there was a group of students, blocking the way. I pushed my way through inside seeing Dara laying there pale as a White sheet. "Somebody call 911!" I shouted.

          I slap her face "Dara, can you hear me!" I smacked her face gently again. I checked for her pulse, and it was still there. Thank goodness.

           The ambulance came, and I needed to go with them. The guys drove behind us. I watched as the paramedics work on Dara. Why would she do this?

          "Sorry, you can't come inside." a lady say, pushing me out as they drag Dara inside.

          I nod. Why? Why would she this! I sat down, and rubbed my face. I leaned my head against the wall, staring at the white ceiling. I heard footsteps "Is she ok?" Jonathon asked.

          "She's still in there." I cried "Why would she do this!" I say through my breath. I held my face in my hands. The guys came and sat by me, worried.

         Silence, and worry filled the air. Then "Did anyone call her dad?"

         We shook our heads "Maybe, the hospital will." Eli say.

         "Where is she?" a man worried voice filled the hall. It must be her father, he looked so worried "She's still in the operation room." I told him.

       He fell to his knees, and cried, covering his face with his hands. "This is all my fault!" he says angrily "If I had been there for her more, she wouldn't have done this." He let out a cry.

       Eli came to his side "She's going to be, okay." Eli says softly, but we all knew there might be a chance, she might not.

         We waited, and waited, and the doctor still hasn't come out.

           The double white doors flew open, and we all stood up, waiting for what he has to say.  

          He took a deep breath "Well, we took out as much as we could out of her stomach. Besides that, she's ok, and she will be waking up soon." He smiles.

          We walked to her room, as her father takes care of everything else. I walk inside seeing her lying on her side, with her back to us.

           "Dara?" Matt says.

          "Yes." She mumbles softly.

          "Dara!" I cried, I swiftly walk to the other side of the bed. Staring at her face broke my heart. Tears were falling from her face, and her eyes and nose were red. I pulled the chair next to her and set. I gripped onto her hand, and brushed her hair.

          "Dara, why would you do this?" I asked softly, with worried eyes.

          All the guys came to my side "Because, I was tired of everything! A girl had spit in my face, and my hair." She cried harder. What she said made me angry. It pissed me off; I wish I could kill everyone who has hurt her.

           "Shhh." I shush her. "We won't let anyone do anything to you anymore. Right guys?" I turned to look at them. They all agreed, and shook their heads "If anyone dares to do anything else to you, Dara. I will break their arms!" Matt Threaten.

          "Promise?" she cries.

           "Promise." We all said in unison.

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