So, What's The Plan?

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SO, PLEASE IGNORE THE MISTAKES!!! ^_^ I thought I really just needed to here goes!!!!

           I am speechless. What does he mean by this?! I hesistantly dial Raphael's number, but it went straight to voicemail. This is weird. I tried Ethan, and same thing happened it went to voicemail. I tried the others, and the same thing happened.
         Why would they send this to me? This is making me very suspicious. My ringtone went off in my hand. It was a text from Eli 'Hey, Dara were really sorry, but please don't come over, or call us, for awhile....Sorry.'
          Well, this really makes me want to go over there, but they probably realized why they shouldn't talk to me. Are they tired of me? Do they not want to be friends with me anymore? Did I do something wrong?! What did I do to the guys to make them send this to me?
           Feeling the soft fabric of my blanket made me feel warm, protected, and wanted. I sniff the scent of my blanket smelling cherry blossom.
          Don't cry, Dara. It isn't worth it to waste your tears on people who hurt you. You are stronger than this!!
          I feel my tears slip from eyes, and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. So, I just let it all out. I cry into my pillow not caring who heard me because no one's home anyway. Everything came rushing into my mind Diana, Raphael, Cole, the guys, Sara, Lauren, and my dad. Bit by bit as it came into my mind it made me cry harder and harder.
          I'm not sure how long I cried for, but I look terrible. The reflection I'm seeing in the bathroom mirror looks ugly. I don't know who she is anymore. Once in my life I felt appreciated, wanted, and loved. That was when I lived in London. I want to go back! But what's the point when I only have a few more months till I graduate?
          The word ‘worthless’ rung in my head over, and over again. Sara's right I am worthless. I'm not popular, I don't have good grades, I'm not loud, I don't put myself out there as much, but I try. Who would want to be with me? I'm just ugly! I'm so tired! I don't want to be treated like this anymore, but what can I do? Try to make myself happy when I can't? My cheeks burn as I cry resting my back against the bathroom counter.
         Why is it so hard just for me to be happy? I cry harder into my hand. Stop, Dara you shouldn't cry. No.
          Turning around I saw myself look back. Is it the girl I thought she would be when she came back from London? No.
           I splash hot water on my face feeling the warmth of the water. I grab a towel that hung on the wall to my left, and wipe off my face. I glance back at me in the mirror once forcing a smile on my face, but it soon disappear into a sad, broken look.
          I lay in my bed wrapping myself with my blanket. As I lay I felt my heart beat slowly with the calm silence.
          First day back and it feels like the first day of school again. No one is talking to me. Dragging myself with my feet, I spot a new student. He was tall with brown hair, muscular, and he looked like he got a bad beating. But he's still got his head high, and his eyes filled with one thing. Anger.
         "Move!" I heard him say under his breath to a freshman. The freshman froze for a moment from being nervous.
          He was getting angrier and shoved the freshman against the locker. The freshman grunted from the pain as the new student walked passes me.
          "Hey, are you okay?" I ask kneeling down next to him.
          "No, it's my shoulder." he says painfully.
          "Let's go to the nurse." I grab his bookbag and threw it over my free arm. I placed his other arm around my shoulder, and headed towards the nurses room.
          "Thanks." he smiles.
          "No problem." I smile getting ready for class.
          "Dara, right?" he ask.
          "Yeah." I turn around to face him.
          "You shouldn't listen to those hurtful people. You have a lot of potential. It's just you look down on yourself because of them." he says seriously.
         "Thank you, but I don't look down at myself." I say feeling awkward.
          "Yes, you do." he says quickly chuckling.
          "Well, you don't know anything about me kid." I force a smile. "So, what's your name?" I ask.
          "Adam. It's Adam. And you're right. I don't know you, but I can just tell." he sweetly smirks.
I giggle "Okay, Adam."
          "See you around, Dara." he says sweetly.
         "See you around." I glance back at him before I walk throughout the door.
           I gasp as I turn the corner. "I'm so sorry!" I say bumping into someone. "My eyes widen as my eyes came onto Raphael's face. “Oh, my goodness! What happened to your face?" I lift my hand to his face but he pushes it away.
          "Dara, its nothing." he looked worried, but also I saw anger in his eyes. "Look I shouldn't be talking to you." he glance to his left then his right.
          "What are you looking for?" I glance to my left then my right.
          "Look, there's a new student, and I need you to stay away from me and my-"
          "So, this is where you been hiding." I hear a wicked voice spoke. I glance to my right. It's the new student. Did he know, Raphael?
         "Raphael, do you know him?" I pull my brows together in confusion.
         "We don't know each other, okay?" he whispers. I’m so confused. What is he saying? I'm his girlfriend, and he doesn't want to know me?
         "I told you get out of my way!" he shouts angrily making me jump. Tears formed in my eyes, and I ran down the hall passing the new student.

Raphael's POV
         Pain shot through me as I saw Dara's broken face when I shouted at her. I'm sorry, Dara. I just don't want you to get involved. If he saw you making out with me, or holding your hand, or anything with you he would bring you into this. It's what they always do. They hurt the person lover or love ones.
          I'm sorry.
         "Why'd you come here?" I say angrily.
         "Is that how you treat an old friend?" he says happily raising his eyebrow.
         I drew out a quick laugh "the last time we were actually friends was before you, and that bitch framed me for raping that girl." I say through my clench teeth.
          "I see that we had you good." he laughs like it was a good joke that happened.
          "I spent six months in prison, because of you!" I pushed him harshly against the locker. "Why are you here, Aiden?" I ask angrily.
          He laugh loudly "Because you're not done with us." his laugh quickly subsides into anger. "You think you can get out of this easily?" he drew a short laugh "You're wrong, and they'll be coming. I'm just warning you."
          I let him go. He's right. We couldn't get out that easy. "And who was that girl earlier. Is she yours?" he ask looking at the direction Dara disappeared in.
I hesitantly answer "No."
          "Well, than I could have her." he smirks lustfully.
          I grip him by his collar, and push him against the locker holding him there.
         "I swear if you get that girl into this or in his business." my chest heave heavily up and down from anger.
         "I will kill you with my own hands." I loosen the grip, and took one more look before letting go.
         "Raphael, I'm going to kill you!" I heard someone shout.

Ethan's POV
          I felt my heart sink as I heard Raphael and Dara got back together. "Hey, Ethan." Matt whispers interrupting my thoughts from the desk beside me.
          I leaned in "What?" I hiss.
         "Finally, I thought I you were going coo-coo." he chuckles softly keeping an eye on the teacher. "But that's not what I was calling you for. Look." he pointed to the window.
          Shit. What are they doing here? "Why are they here? I glance back at the three black sports cars from England. "Text Raphael," I worriedly say "tell him there's more than just Aiden here." Anger and worry build up. We didn't want anything with them anymore. So why are they here?

Cole's POV
           "Whoa!" Dara came crashing into me. "Hey, Dara." I chuckle getting up.
           "What's wrong, Dara?" I kneel down beside her. She stared into space letting tears fall from her gorgeous eyes. "He told me to stay away from him." she glances up at me.
Seeing Dara like this breaks me. Oh, how I wish I was Raphael. "Who?" I ask pulling my brows together.
          "Raphael." she nearly whispered. Anger builds up inside of me. How can he do this to her again?
          "I'll see you later, Dara." I got up and making my way where Dara came from. I swear when I see him, I'll make him hurt. Why do you have such a hard life, Dara? Knowing about your life makes me want to trade lives just so I won't see you cry ever again.
          I saw Raphael "Raphael, I'm going to kill you!" I shout angrily. I took each step quickly. I stop in my tracks as I spot the person next to him.
         Fuck. Why is he here? My eyes shot wide open knowing why Raphael said those things to Dara.
Raphael jerks his head my way in confusion.
          "Well, well, well," Aiden took steps closer to me. "Isn’t it the famous Cole." he emphasize. “It’s been awhile,” he smirks raising an eyebrow “hasn’t it?”

          “What brings you over to the U.S?” I ask sharply.

         “For the boys who thought they could escape us.” He says tauntingly.

         Raphael took out his phone and started reading a text. “I know that’s not why you’re here.” I say irritatingly.

         Raphael, grab him by the arm twisted to his back pushing him to the locker. “Why the fuck are you here?” Raphael forced out angrily. “Why are there three cars outside from England?” 

          Aiden tries to push Raphael off, but soon Aiden got free and flipped the position. Raphael yelps as his face made contact with the locker. “You guys are so dumb, but I have to admit sometimes you guys are smart.” He throws Raphael on the floor.

          “Raphael.” I mumble, and ran towards Aiden.

          Pain shot through my as Aiden ducked my fist, and he landed a punch in my stomach. I really hate this guy. I duck kicking the back of his knee making him stumble. I held his shoulder, and did an upper cut. I kneel down beside him grabbing his shirt bringing him to my face “Tell Siele we’re not going to do any of his dirty work for him. If he wants someone killed tell one of his men to do it.” I let go of his shirt, and stood up.

          “Raphael, it was obvious they wanted us to kill someone for him.” I stood in front of him.

          “Well, how would you know? They’ve been looking for us for three years now. I don’t want to kill any more families, man, or woman just because they did wrong to my uncle.” He turned his back on me “Do you remember the first time we killed?” He asks with a shaking voice.

           I lower my head as the memory flash through my head “Of course.” I nearly whisper.

           “We were only fourteen year’s old.” he swirls around looking at me with anger.

           “I know.” I sadly say.

           “We need to talk.” Raphael whisper taking a step closer.

          The fourteen of us met in the auditorium. “What are we going to do?”

          “I don’t want anything to do with Raphael.” Christian says angrily.

          “Get over it!” I shout angrily at him “It’s been three years since the incident!”

          We all gathered around each other “So, what’s the plan?” Skylar asks crossing his arms. 


I'm sorry for the spaces! it just happens when I paste it from microsoft! SORRY!!


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