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Okay, so here is chapter 19!!! ^_^ Hope you guys like it, and please forgive me for my mistakes! :/


“Get out of my house!” I watch from behind my dad as he shouts at Sara. “Go live with the woman who took you in!” he points towards the door. “She’ll be here in a few.” He nods in frustration.

        “Dad, please don’t!” she cries.

                “No!” he forces out making me jump “You tore up my daughter’s room, and you think I won’t do anything about it?!” he questioned angrily.

                The door bell rang, and I run to get it. “Where is she?” the woman that I use call mom stood in front of me with her hair perfectly curled, and in a tight black dress.

                “Over there.” I stutter.                       

                “Move.” She pushes me aside.

                I really wish you acted different, Diana. I wish you were there for me, but you were never there, not even once.

                Memories of Sara, and Diana together flashed through my mind. I lowered my head sucking back in tears. Be strong, Dara. Remember what Lana, Daren, Jade, and Jake said “Always keep your head high.” I nod my head, and gulped.

                “Finally, you came.” My dad says walking into the living room holding onto Sara’s wrist. “Take the girl you took in!” he pushes Sara in to her.

                “What is your problem?!” my mom stumbles back gripping onto Sara to gain back her balance.

                “My problem is that, that girl right there tortured our daughter!” he walks forward to them both “But why would you care, you selfish, arrogant woman.”

                “How dare you call me selfish? I was the woman you married!” she took steps closer.

                “Well, if I knew this were your true colors,” he narrows his eyes “maybe I wouldn’t have married you.” he points at her.

                Her face grew shocked “Well, hope you’re happy that you divorced me!” she says through her clenched teeth.

                My dad chuckles “Oh, I am, Diana.”

                Worry filled Diana’s eyes “Whatever.” She rolled her eyes “Come on, Sara.” She gripped onto Sara’s arm.

                This isn’t what I wanted to happen. I didn’t want any of this to happen to my family. Thinking about Diana just hurts me so badly. I understand I made her miss classes in college, but that isn’t my fault.

                I lower my head as Diana, and Sara walk out the door. I don’t feel anger, but guilt. Why do I feel guilt?

                “Dad, are you okay?” I made my way over to him placing my hand on his arm.

                “Yeah.” He smiles showing his bright white teeth. “Why don’t you go out today, Dara. I won’t be home till midnight.” He locks eyes with me “Okay?”

                I nod “I don’t feel like going out today.” I nearly mumble. Making my way up to my room a lot of thoughts were rushing into my head. I hate it when I have a lot on my mind. Slumping down on my bed, I let out a deep sigh.

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