I Don't Look Bad With Short Hair

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Raphael's POV

           I walk up to Lauren's house and rung the bell. The door open, and it was Sara.

           I furiously grab onto Sara's arm. "What is your problem?" Sara snaps.

           "We need to talk!" I say through my clench teeth. I open a door to a room. I push her in making her stumble. "Look, if this is about my sister, Da-"

           "Don't even bring up her name!" I grab her throat pushing her against the wall "You" I breathe "You're such an evil bitch." She tries to grab her neck free but I let go. She collapses against the wall gasping for air. "I never saw that side of you" I shook my head "Look, I never intended to do the deal." I rub my temple.

          She gets up breathing heavily "What!?"

          "You heard me correctly." I say slowly for her to process what I'm saying.

          "No!" she cries "You can't do this to me!" she held onto my shirt.

          I gently push her away "Yes, I can just like the way you, and I did this to, Dara."

          "Ughh! Dara! It always have to be Dara!" she screams "Why can't it be about me for once!" she points to herself.

          "Because you only think about getting Dara hurt." I say softly. I am tired of this. I am tired of Sara. I felt my heart sink. I remember the first time I came to school Dara tried to help me, but I just mugged her. How can I be so stupid?

          "I don't want anything to do with you anymore." I look into her eyes, but she was confused on what was happening. "I'm sorry."

          I walk pass her but she clings onto me. "She can't have you!" she cries. "Please don't go." She pleads.

          "I'm sorry." I pull her arms free. As I reach the door, I heard Sara chuckle. "What's so funny?" I ask tilting my head a little to the side.

         She stops chuckling and took each steps slowly towards me. "If she gets to have you," she spoke tauntingly "I will hurt her. So badly that you will be the one to be blamed for, I will hurt her." She reminds me.

         "Do whatever you want, but when you do hurt her." I took in a breath "I will find you and hurt you." I turn to look at her "Also, I never played Dara. It was you all along." Her eyes widen in shock and confusion "I never did the deal. I was just trying make you think I was doing the deal. So I could get to Lauren." I smirk "Now I got what I needed." I turn to leave. I heard her weeping as I walk out.

          I walk pass a lit room of Lauren and her posse talking. I hid on the side "So, what are we going to do?" a girl snaps.

          "Yeah, she fucking embarrasses all of us!" another girl shouts.

          "I'm embarrassed to go to school now! There are videos on YouTube and facebook!" Another girl panics.

         "Calm down, girls." She chuckles softly "I have an idea."

         "And what is that?" I recognized that voice, it was Gwen.

         "We're going to pull a prank just like she did to us." Lauren says and I could tell she has a huge grin on her face. I listen in the whole conversation. I need to tell Dara tomorrow but will she listen?

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