It Meant Nothing To Me

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PICTURE OF GIA ON THE RIGHT!! ----------------->


           I couldn’t bare see any of my family members so the guys let me stay with them as long as I needed and it’s been a week. Since I saw my parents argue. I learned a lot about the guys but Raphael didn’t want me to know anything about him so he built a wall. I watched as they watch the foot ball game, but Raphael would never really hang out with them as much. He would go outside on Friday’s and sit on a pretty carved bench made out of wood.

          “How come Raphael always sits outside at six for a few hours or the whole night?” I asked the guys and they went quiet.

          “Because he likes to watch the sky turns to dawn.” Nick says trying to make an excuse but got punched on the shoulder by Matt.

           “Ow!” Nick grunts but went back to focusing on the game.

          “Sorry, Dara but we can’t answer that question for you.” Ethan says frowning and all the guys did too.

           Why did they become sad when I asked them why Raphael would go out at six? Should I go talk to him? Before I knew I got up and started walking out the room.

           “Where are you going?” Jonathon asked.

          “To Raphael.” I say without turning back to look at them.

          “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Eli sounding worried.

           “I don’t care.” I say softly and walked out and headed outside to the back.

          Walking pass the fountain and the cut shaped bushes I spotted Raphael sitting on the bench that was just amazingly carved. I wonder who made this.

            “Hey.” I softly say behind Raphael, he didn’t move. I sat next to him leaving room between us.

          “I thought you would want a drink.” I handed him a can of coke. He took and popped the tab and gulped the whole thing.

           Silence filled the air, what do I say? “Do you hate me?” I softly whisper looking at my hands. He didn’t answer; maybe coming here was a bad idea. I stood up and before I could take a step and leave he grabbed my hand. I looked at him shocked but I didn’t want to show it.

          “Please stay.” He whispers and let go off my hand. I nod and sat down. I felt butterflies WHAT THE HECK! I have butterflies? No way! Just because he touched your hand doesn’t mean you can go all lovey Dobie! I yelled at myself mentally.

          “I don’t hate you, it’s….” he trailed off. “I don’t know how to open up to anyone new.” He whispers. I looked at him and he I saw the sadness in his eyes. He turned and glared at me. “After my parents were killed I closed up to anyone who I came across.” He took a breath “My parents adopted the guys when I was just eight, because my mother couldn’t have anymore kids. So we grew up with each other.” His eyes started to water.

         “It was around six when groups of men came into the house and threaten us and I was sitting here with my mom. We were scared to death and I was only twelve years old. They destroyed everything even my mother’s work area. She’s was a wood furniture designer and this was the only thing that was left of what she made.” He touched the arm rest with his finger.

           “That’s why I tried to get close with that girl, to kill him.” He clenched his teeth. “I will kill Carlos; I remember his face when he killed my parents. My father was apart of his illegal company but my father told him he didn’t want to do it anymore because they were shipping illegal weapons around the world.” He clenched his teeth.

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