I Won't Be The One Regretting, It Will Be You

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       I stood looking hopeless. Please tell me this isn't happening.

       "Tell me." I plead.

       He gave me the apologetic look "I'm sorry."

       "No, tell me. Was I a stupid joke all along?" I raise my voice. 

      The door to the dining room flew open, everyone came out, and looking worried.

       "What's going on here?" my dad ask looking to me then Raphael.

       I glance at Ethan, Matt, Eli, Kevin , Jonathon, and Nick. They all had their heads down.

      "Raphael, tell me, what's going on between you and my sister!" I shouted and Cole threw Raphael a death glare, while the guys glance up to me in shock.

       "So, you guys knew too?" I felt my heart sink deeper. I want to hide right now. I don't want to know if this is true and what the deal was.

       "Dara, I didn't mean-"

       "We're dating that's what it us." my sister says coming up to Raphael, clinging onto his right arm. She smiles mischievously. He pulls his arm free, taking a step closer, but I took another step back.

       "What was the deal?" I say through my breath.

       He glances at me opening his mouth, but quickly closes it back.

      "If you can't answer, stay the fuck away from me." I say, as my voice cracked again.

      "Dara." he says apologetically, but I ran to my room. I locked the door and plop down on my bed, curling with my blanket.

      Tears ran down my face. I don't want to ever feel this way. How can he do this? He was my first kiss, my first boyfriend and it was all a lie! All a freaking, stupid LIE!? No, I am not going to let this get to me.

       I took deep breathes, and got up to the bathroom. I am not going to let him and Sara ruin thanksgiving for me. I am going back down there and show them I can handle myself.

        I look in the mirror. Whoa my eyes were red, like super red. Raphael, slowly creep into my head. No! Face it! I knew something like this was going to happen. I wipe my eyes, and waited a few minutes till my eyes were done being red.

       I shut my eyes, and took deep breathes.

       You can do this, Dara. This time I don't give a fuck. I'm not going down without fighting back.

      I smile hugely, and walk out my room. I went down the stairs, spotting everyone still in the same place.

       "Let's get back to the food." I say over them.

       Raphael came up to me "Dara, let me explain." he tried to grip my arm but Cole grabbed his arm to stop.

      "Do not touch her." Cole snaps, looking ticked off.

      Raphael stared at Cole's grip "Get your fucking hand off me?" Raphael says angrily.

       "What are you going to about it?" Cole says going head to head with Raphael. They stared angrily in each other’s eyes.

       "Calm, your asses down!" my dad roared through the room "there is not going to be fight in my house." He says roughly, pushing the guys apart, but they didn't stop glaring at each other.

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