thirty eight

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i lay down on the grass, looking up towards the falling drops of icy, cold water. the splash of them against my bare skin made me shiver. i could physically feel my heart being wrenched out of my chest; it was thudding so fast.
running was never my strong point, but i promise you that i'd never ran so fast in my life in the last hour.
i never imagined tobi to do such a criminal thing. he didn't even notice me walk in, gasp and run away.
i hadn't cried since i was 16 and my mum left: i made a deal with myself to not cry ever again, vowing it would be impossible from the amounts of tears i cried those couple of months afterwards.
but i had a feeling that i'd be breaking that deal very soon. i hadn't realised how much love i felt for tobi until today.
i couldn't tell when i started crying because i was already completely soaked, but i released when my face scrunched itself up and i started breathing erratically.
every single memory of tobi and our's relationship flooded my mind, as well as the rain and tears.
he was my first time for pretty much everything... and he had to go and ruin it.
i brought my wet hands up to my face and sobbed into them. i hadn't experienced this is in five years. five years was too long.

the sky faded to black very quickly and the rain never ceased. and neither did my tears.
my tears just mingle with the rain, creating more of a storm.

i heard a group of people muttering and i didn't even realise when i was picked up and held like a bride in somebody's warm arms. i kept my hands over my face, but my sobbing had given up; my throat hoarse and sore.
"she's freezing," a man whispered. i recognised his voice. "i'll sit in the back with her."
i dropped my arms down and gazed up at the tall boy who was carrying me.
"charlie, i'm so sorry. i can't believe tobi did that," he said "but you're bound to have caught some sort of illness. how long have you been out here for?" simon asked, climbing into the back of a car and placing me on his lap. i recognised josh and ethan get into the front, and i felt myself sigh with relief. i was safe. kind of.
"i don't know," i croaked.
i wrapped my limp, shaky arms around his perfect figure. his wrapped his arms around me and shared the embrace, engulfing me with warmth - the warmth i needed.
my head was nuzzled into simon's neck and i felt secure. i felt safe. i felt at home.

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