"You look amazing in that shirt by the way," He smiled and looked me up and down. "You should wear it more often." I felt my cheeks get a little hotter and just decided to ignore him and his smart comments.

The key to my room was sitting on his dresser when I grabbed it and threw my things on my bed before looking in one of the large mirrors. I looked different.

A little glowy but more relaxed than I normally do, and I liked that look. I quickly freshened up before throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a basic white t-shirt.

That Bitch Bea:
How's the trip going so far?

I rolled my eyes seeing her text. She was mainly checking up on me to find out more information about Justin and I, and there was really nothing to tell.

Pretty good he's not that bad of a guy.

That Bitch Bea:
That's the first I heard you say that about a guy in a while. Catching feelings or?

Bye Bea 🙄.

I put my phone down and rolled my eyes. I don't think I'm catching feelings. We rarely got to know each other seriously.

Maybe I was catching feelings towards the sex? That makes the most sense right now. But I wasn't about to become strung out over it in any way.

Taking the towel from around my head and pulling it back into its regular curly puff ball on the top of my head, I walked back into his room to see him still under the covers but on his phone.

"So you didn't get cleaned up at all?"

He looked up at me almost instantly and pulled the covers from around his waist, showing that he was now in black sweatpants compared to him being naked before.

"How do I know you didn't just change clothes... you could still have the smell of the night before lurking on you." I raised my eyebrow and he laughed, raising his arms.

"You can smell me if you want. My hair's still a little damp from the shower." He rolled his eyes. "Now, stop interrogating me and come sit with me." He said, patting the other side of the bed that I was once on.

I walked around and plopped back onto the spot that my body was on and looked up at him on his phone.

"So you're gonna be on your phone the whole time?" I asked and he shook his head before putting it down.

"You're pretty good company, I figured you'd want to just talk for a day, you know? No funny business. Sometimes I just need to talk to somebody." He shrugged and picked at a string that was unraveling from my shirt.

"Sure," I said a little caught off guard.
"What do you want to talk about?"

"I'm nervous." He said almost instantly.


"Everything," He chuckled lightly. "I mean what is there for me not to get nervous about nowadays. This album, my image, my life." He shrugged and shook his head. "I feel like I run off of nerves sometimes and it's not a good thing."

I looked over at him while his eyes went across everything in the room but mine. "There's nothing wrong with being nervous. Sometimes it helps us, and other times we do it unintentionally and is psychs us out." I mumbles and flipped my phone back and forth in my hands.

don't | justin  *postponed*Where stories live. Discover now