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It's been two days since I've heard from Luc. Every since we kissed it seems like it we had became distant. Him and Cierra are not together no more, and me and Brandon been broke up so I don't understand why he haven't called or texted me. Im not gone stress it though maybe he's just busy with his brother still being In town. Yah maybe that's it.

It was now 2:45pm and I was walking out the building of my job. I walked to my car and hurriedly got in because of the cold weather. I started it up and blasted the heat. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I picked it up and answered.


"Bitch we want all the tea!" London yelled in the phone. I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"What are you talking about?" I connected my phone to the Bluetooth so I wouldn't be holding the phone and driving.

"Bitch we know you and Yungin' kissed!" Nelle yelled into the phone.

"Uh how do yall know that?" I asked driving away from my job and getting on the highway heading home.

"Yung told Javier, Javier told me and I told Nelle. Now boom we talking to you!" Lo said making me groan. I didn't even want them to know about it yet. I was gone see where me and Luc was at and then I was gone come around and tell them.

"Hold up! Were you even going to tell us?" Nelle questioned.

"Yah. Yall hoes didn't give me time!" I said into the phone.

"Watever we are at your house waiting for you so you can tell us detail by detail" Lo said. I groaned.

"No go home! Where did yall even get a key from"

"You gave it us" They said at the same time.

"I regret giving it to yall now" I mumbled.

"What was that?" Lo asked.

"Nothing. I'll be there in a few minutes" I said hanging up on them. I threw my phone in the seat and sighed.

I pulled up to my house and saw Lo car in my driveway and rolled my eyes. I grabbed my purse and phone and got out the car. I walked up to my door and was finna open it, but Lo and Nelle opened it before I could.

"So what happened?" I rolled my eyes at them.

"Can I get into my house first and get comfortable before y'all start throwing questions in my face" I pushed passed them.

"Well sorry. We'll be in the living room waiting" I nodded and walked upstairs and changed into some comfortable clothes. I threw my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my phone and walked back downstairs. They was sitting on the  couch with a glass of wine in their hands. I shook my head and chuckled.

"What's funny?" Lo asked. I shook my head and sat down between them. They looked at me waiting for me to talk.

"I swear yall are some esle" I laughed.
"Naomi Amari Jackson if you don't start talking!" Nelle said making me laugh.

"Dang my whole government?" I laughed. I really was beating around the bush and I'm guessing they was catching on because they gave me a daring look.

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