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Two Days Later


It's been two days since me and Luc both had dinner with Brandon and Cierra. The day after Luc met Brandon, I met Cierra. She was cool, I guess I liked her. I mean I did approve of her, because I just wanna see Luc happy and if being with Cierra makes him happy then that's all that matters. Right now I was just leaving class and Going to meet Brandon for lunch. I'm actually starting to really like Brandon, I think what makes me like him the most is his goofy side that kinda reminds me of Luc. Speaking of Brandon since the dinner we been actually texting and getting closer. I could see myself being with him in the future.

I walked out of the building and got into my car and waited for it to warm up since it was freezing out. While waiting my phone vibrated letting me know I had a message.

Brandon💓😋: I'm sorry I know we was suppose to meet up for lunch, but I have to work overtime.

Me: We can just meet up another time.

Brandon💓😋: Sorry again 😘

Ugh! I really wanted to eat lunch, because now I'm hungry. Maybe I can call up Luc. I pulled my phone back out and hooked it up to my Bluetooth in my car and called him.

"Wassgood Na?"

"Luc! Let's go have lunch" I whined.

"Ok wea' you trynna go love?" I did a little dance in my seat before answering him.

"Well I wa" I was cut off by him talking in the background to someone.

"Aw shit I forgot 'bout that" Luc groaned into the phone.

"Everything ok Luc?"

"Na, I gotta go somewhere with Cierra. I forgot all about it. Imm sorry Na" he sighed.

"No no it's ok. I understand. I'll talk to you later" I said. He gave me a simple 'Ok' and hung up. I brought the phone away from my ear and looked at it.

I thought back to the time when Lon and Nelle said he wasn't gonna have time for me like he use to. It's not that Im jealous or anything, I was just hoping he wouldn't have turned me down like that.


I didn't wanna do Na like that, but I couldn't just dip on Cierra like that. I mean she is my girl, Na would understand right?

"Yung baby what you thinking 'bout" Cierra questioned laying her head on my shoulder while running her hands though my head.

"Nothin" I shook my head.

"You sure?" I nodded.

"Are you hungry?" She asked. I nodded. Although I really wasn't I just wanted her to stop asking me questions.

"Ok. I'll go find something in your kitchen to cook" I nodded and watched her walk away. I can't get over how Na sounded When I told her we wasn't gone be able to go to lunch.

I pulled my phone out and called her, but she didn't answer. I sighed and throwed my phone on the side of the bed. She must be sleep ain't no way she ignoring a Nigga calls.

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