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"Thank God I'm finally finna get out this bitch" I sighed while putting on my breds 11's.

It was a Tuesday and I was finally getting out. Crystal haven't been up here to see me since I kicked her out my hospital room. When she told me she was my momma that shit really did hit me hard. I been lied to my whole life, that's what hurt me the most. I haven't even heard from Gerald ole bitch ass. That nigga been ghost every since he fucking stabbed me. Oh I got some for his ass though, he gone wish he would've killed my ass. I smirked to myself.

"Lucas!" Namoi yelled. She been by my side since she got here, even missed school for me.

"Oh wassuh?" I looked up at her, as she stood there with her hands on her hip.

"You didn't hear me, I called your name five times" I shook my head.

"I asked are you ready?"

"Shit yah! Let's be out" I said grabbing my bag that had my belongings in it. When I got up from the bed the pain in my stomach hit like a mothafucka.

"Ah shit!" I groaned, clutching my side.

"You ok? Need me to help you walk?" Na asked me. I shook my head.

"Nah I'm good" The nurse walked in I rolled my eyes. This one reason I'm ready to get up outta hea', this man get on my last damn nerves.

"Did you take your meds when you got up this morning?" He gave me a stern look.

"Yes Doc, you don't have to keep checking up on me like imma lil ass kid" I groaned while rubbing my stomach.

"I see you need a wheelchair, I'll go get you one" He Smiled walking out.

"You are so mean Lucas" Na said shaking her head.

"He need to stop asking me that shit then" I groaned again. My stomach was hurting so damn bad. When I get a hold of Gerald, imma make that nigga hurt worse than I am.

"Hi Mr. Lucas Coly, I'm gonna role you on out of here" I heard a soft voice say. I looked up and it was a older lady looking at me smiling. She looked so familiar. I nodded and sat in the wheelchair and she took me down to Na car and helped me in while Na got in the Driver seat.

"You don't remember me do you?" The lady asked. I shook my head.

"You look so familiar though" she chuckled.

"Thats because I am sweetie, I'm the lady you met on the plane when I asked was you ok" Then it hit me I remembered her.

"Oooh snap that is you, you never did give me your name"

"Im Michelle" she smiled. I just sat there smiling at her, it was some about her that I liked.

"Here take my number if you need anything" She said writing her number down on a piece of paper. I took it and nodded.

"Is this here your girlfriend, she's very pretty" She complimented Naomi, making her blush.

"Oh no we are just bestfriends, but I'm Naomi" Na said smiling at Michelle.

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