Lil JenJen

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Rebecca's POV:

We broke away and I couldn't breath. I can't believe that HUNTER JUST KISSED ME!

I looked down and blushed. "I-im sorry, Rebecca." He spoke up.

I couldn't look at him. "Say something to me. Please don't end our friendship. I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me. It's-its just that I've liked you for so long and NeNe told me to step my game up tonight and kissing you was easier then just talking to you. I've liked you since I first met you, never mind no. *he chuckled stiffly* I started catching feelings for you at that beach party we went to. I couldn't help but stare at you when you wasn't, like at lunch, in class, or at one of our houses. Your so gorgeous and your attitude is crazy as hell but I'm crazy too so why shouldn't we be together? This is so stupid. You probably don't even want to be friends anymore and I'm sorry that I've ruined that for you, I just couldn't help myself. Rebecca I'm sorry. Please say something, I'm getting super anxious." He rushed out.

I took a deep breath.


Jensen's POV: 

"Dude, tomorrow is character daaaaaaaaay!!" Dee said excitedly as we walked into school.

I chuckled at him. "Hell yea! Ima be a condom." Lubin said and I choked on air.

"Yea, like you ever use em." I said and Dee started laughing.

"And you can be the pussy. Like you ever get any." He scoffed. "That's all you think about. You go catch some. You should be Quagmire." He started laughing and shook my hand. "You know what? I will be! Aye, we going to the sto after school so I can get the outfit."

I shook my head and laughed. "Well Ima be the Red power ranger. What you go be, V?" Dee asked me as we walked to Minnie's locker.

"I don't know yet. I think we have a debate today for Poetry class."

"Over what?" "One side is fighting for how someone can get bored of their lover and the other side, is against that, like your lover shouldn't get bored, or some shxt." "What side you wanna be on?" Lubin asked.

"Shit, the opposing, duh." "Yea, because your dating someone right now, when y'all break up? You go want to be on the other side." "Yea, right."

We talked some more about the stupidest shxt. Our last football game is Friday and I'm pissed.

I saw my baby talking to her friends as she walked through the crowded hall.

She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, she just looked so happy as she talked to Glitter Lips and H.

I smiled at her. The night at the party was mad wild, she was super lit and high as fxck!

I had to try to get her sober before she went home. She ate my nachos and her nachos that Isaiah had made. And she said they stunk, must have not  been cause she slaughtered em. Shit I went home hungry.

My smile faded when somebody grabbed my arm.

I looked down and I yanked away.

"Yo, what the fxck?" I growled out. "Why you ain't text me back?" I rolled my eyes. "Aye, get back bruh." My friends said, taking up for me.

"Don't touch me." She yelled, gaining a few looks. I moved back uncomfortably, Minnie, please don't come up here acting a fool.

"Why she yelling?" Min asked. I looked at her and scrunched up my face and she returned it which made me smile.

"Viola. Tell them to get off of me." Penny whined. She made my fxckin flesh crawl, dude, I swear.

My friends were trying to block her from getting to me. She tried to jump over them and everything. 

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