Dragging Her

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Neariah POV:

"Rise and shine Ria!" My mom yelled happily, I groaned and rolled over in my bed.

"Girl get up, you ain't missing no days." She said, I heard her walking over to my bed.

She bent down and I opened my eyes tiredly. She was smiling down at me.

I scrunched up my face and she tried to kiss me but I pulled the covers over my head in time.

She started tickling me and I grumbled, trying to get out of this situation, I started laughing and she stopped.

"Now get up, I already laid your clothes out for you so hop in that shower.

I rose up and rubbed my eyes, "you what?" I asked grumpily. She smiled and pointed at my outfit she laid out on my dresser.

I got up and walked over to see what she picked out for me.

"Really mama?" I asked, looking at her, she scrunched up her face, "you don't know how to dress." "Yes I do." "Sure. Now take a shower and wear that, you'll look pretty." "Shouldn't you be at work?" "Nope. I'm off today." She said smiling widely.

I growled and grabbed my underwear and a bra and headed to the bathroom.

I got out the shower and out on the bleached washed jeans my mom laid out with a light blue shirt, my all black Flights and a black sweater. I ran some water on my hair and it got curly so I left it like that.

"N?" Blu called my name as he turned around to face me, we were on our way to school.

"Huh?" I asked, I was texting my friends. "How do you know J.V?" "Who?" "Jensen, the guy from yesterday who had yo phone." "Who had her phone?" Grey cut in.

I rolled my eyes, "Ohhh Fire Head." I said, "His hair ain't even red." Blu said, annoyed I guess. "Whatever, it is to me." "Ok... Who are y'all talking about?" A curious Grey asked.

Blu sighed, "my home boy Jensen." "What's his last name?" "Viola." "Ohhh... I know him. N, why did he have yo phone?" "We were playing." I said to Grey. "Ok, you still didn't tell me how you know him." Blu said. "Dang you act like your my dad or some. I met him at the mall last weekend at H&M." I said annoyed.

"Mmm. He's a player so watch out, and he's older than you." I laughed at that, "not my cup of tea." "He better not be." Grey said, pulling up at school.

I texted my friends to see where they were and they said that they were at the front doors so I hopped out the car and started walking towards the front entrance.

Someone wrapped their arm around me and it was Grey.

I looked up at him as we walked into the school.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your lil clique?" I asked and he smirked, "I can't walk my lil sister to her class?" "No. That's what we're here for." I looked over and it was my friends.

We stopped and I took my brother's arm from around my shoulder and smiled at my friends.

"Wassup Nene." Hunter said and I smiled at him and we did our famous best friends hand shake.

"Sup guys." I said, "who this?" Grey asked, I turned around, facing him and rolled my eyes before I turned back to my friends.

"I'm Hunter." Hunter said happily, I smiled at my best friend's  happy attitude.

"Your my little sister's boyfriend?" Grey asked, cracking his knuckles, Hunter backed back a little and Bec giggled at him.

"G get back, this is my best friend, he's new here." I said, pushing my brother back.

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