Oh hell no

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Neariah's POV:

I started rolling over the bed as I was beginning to wake up. "Wooooo." I groaned as I rolled over and instantly slammed into what felt like bones.

My heart started beating fast and my eyes shot open and as my vision started coming back I squinted my eyes.

When it was clear again I let out a sigh when I saw Fire facing me, peacefully sleeping. I smiled and I jumped up out the bed. 

"W-wa wa wa wa- what's going on?" Fire's sleepy voice skipped through the atmosphere. I turned around and looked at him. He had his hand over his face, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the sun light that was shining through his medium room. 

He groaned and looked at me, his face was super red and so were his eyes. He threw me a tired smile and I smiled back with a cocked eyebrow. 

"I gotta shxt!" I suddenly yelled and ran slap into his bathroom, slamming and closing the door behind me. I heard him going into a fit of laughter.

I pulled down his jeans that I never traded back with him and squatted over his toilet, no telling what other bxtch had sat ha funky ass down on his toilet. 

"Ugh!!!!!" I yelled. I wasn't really pooping, I just had to pee really bad, plus, I don't poop at other people's homes, I wouldn't want to blow it up!

There was a knock on the door. "Minnie." His beautiful voice hit the door. I pretended to strain. "F-Fire." He snorted, "Baby, there's no tissue." I could hear the venom in his voice. 

I looked around and frowned at the tissueless bathroom! I took a deep breath and let it out. "Do yall got some?" I asked, trying to sound sweet. 

"Uhhhh..." He trailed off and my cat was dripping pee! Like dude come on, I don't wanna be pissy!

"Do yall?" I asked again. "Ummmmm...." My legs were shaking from m weight. "Fire!" "Minnie?" I sighed. "Can you go get me some tissue?" I waited for his response. "What's the magic word?" I growled.

"Can you please go get me some tissue." I said through gritted teeth and he laughed. "Of course." He chirped and I knew that he was smiling and I wanted to knock it right off of his read ass face.

A few minutes later. I really mean minutes, the lil bxtch took forever to bring me some tissue!

He knocked on the door. I leaned up and opened the door slightly so that he couldn't see me. "I can't see you. He said, putting his arm through the door way. I closed his arm up in the door  and he yelled. "Fxck!" I started laughing. I opened it a little again. "Where the tissue?" I asked innocently. "Fxck that, you aint gettin no tissue." I frowned. "Baby." I said, calmly. "Minnie." He whispered and I blushed. I know, I know, it's stupid, but whenever he says my name like that, it reminds me of last night and it makes me feel all girlish and shxt.

"Can I have the tissue?" I asked. "You can't have our tissue! But I can let you use it." I laughed. "Fine. Lemme borrow it then." "No problem." He gave me the roll.

"Lemme seeeee." He whined and I slammed the door in his face, locking it too. "No!" I yelled through laughter. "Why noooooot." "Becaaaause." I mocked his whiny tone and he groaned. "Because whaaaaaat?" "Because I said so, now let me shxt in peace." He smacked his lips and I silently laughed.

I wiped my girl, stood up and put my panties and his jeans back on before flushing his toilet. 

I looked in his mirror and it was nasty, but I was able to see my messy hair and dirty face.

I rolled my eyes at how I looked and washed my hands.

I walked out his bathroom and he was sitting on the bed, facing me like he was waiting for me to come out.

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