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Neariah's POV:


"Okay class we have a new student." Our Science teacher Mr. Florence said. I looked up and this somewhat tall guy strolls through the door and girls start squealing.

I scrunched up my face, I mean, he was tall, had dark brown hair, he had some pretty pink, somewhat plumped lips, a killer jawline, and he looked ripped under that shirt, it was kinda tight fitted and you could see his muscles, craving to get out, I don't know his eye color but he looks like a total fuck boy if i do say so myself.

He had on a all white t-shirt that said "DOPE," some all white high top shell toes, and some dark black boyfriend jeans. He can dress, I guess.

I'm not a judgmental person but he looks like a heart breaker and if these girls don't shut the f-

"Ladies, calm down, its just a guy, I swear you all are so dramatic." Mr. Florence said, completely irritated.

"Okay.. Mr. Lubin..." "You can just call me Jean." The guy said and our teacher nodded. "Jean, you can just find a empty seat anywhere." "Cool."

He scanned through our class and I had my head down, I could hear the girls telling him to come sit by them.

"Aye, J, over here." I heard a guy say, then I heard footsteps, "Aye, is someone sitting right here?" I looked up and Jean was staring down at me, I instantly shook my head and laid my head back down.

Way to go Near.

"Okay..." He trailed off awkwardly.

"Okay class, back to work." Mr. Florence ordered and I started back doing the worksheet.

Today I had on a long sleeve black shirt that had a gold crown on it, my all black flights, and some dark black skinny jeans. My hair is growing back faster every day, I'm not gonna cut it.

"I can't get this guy out of my head." I groaned quietly to my friends in Math.

"I haven't seen him yet, how cute is he?" Becca asked, "He's alright I guess." "Mmmmhum." I laughed, "I mean he looks like a jerk." "Don't judge a book by it's cover." "Yea yea."

"What's his name again?" Hunter cut in. I looked at him, "Jean." I said and he smirked, "Ahhhh... Jean Davis or Jean Lubin?" "Lubin." "Dude, he's not new here." "How do you know?" "Because he's in my honors class." "Well, we've never seen him before." He rolled his eyes, "No duh.. You guys never lift your heads unless your talking to each other, I mean look around sometimes." I do." Becca cut in, "NeNe doesn't though." Hunt said, looking at me.

"And that, my weird little friend is Jean Lubin." Hunter said, pointing at Jean in gym. "Why is he in our classes all of a sudden?" I asked, "Girl who cares, he's a total babe." Becca said, still staring at the guy. Hunter cleared his throat, "Well... Maybe he got his schedule changed or something." He shrugged.

I stared at the guy, trying to size him up, he doesn't look like a sophomore, maybe a junior or senior, he's clearly popular and so far? He doesn't have a douche attitude.

"Okay people, listen up, today we're gonna have a fitness gram test, so you know what that is, i'm gonna check your weight, height, chin up length and other boring stuff." Our coach said and I bowed my head, I hate doing this.

"In the mean time, while i'm doing others students, the rest of you can play Badminton." He finished and I looked at my friends and smiled, I love this game.

We walked over to the baskets and grabbed out rackets and birdie, I think that's what you call those things and walked over to a net.

"Your going down Jenkins." I said to Becca and she bit her lip.

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