A "poet"

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Neariah's POV:

"Who he about to fight?" I asked as I caught my breath. The guys had just came and they act like nothing happened while it took me a dam century to calm down.

"Some dude name Keith." Bec said and Fire smacked his lips. "What's his last name?" He asked her and she shrugged. 

I walked over to my other best friend. 

"Hunter." I called and he stopped. "NeNe." He smiled. His face was super red and he looked like a murder who had just got caught killing somebody and their trying to lie like they didn't when the witness clearly saw them do it.

"Why you fighting, boy" I asked with my hands on my hips. "Because, dude thinks that I'm pussy. He called my hands, so I'm about to see if he can catch these motherfxckers." I almost laughed but I know that he was serious.

"Hunt, calm down, why he called em?" "He thought that I stole his cup cake from the mall. I told the bxtch that I didn't." I snorted and he gave me a serious look. "Nah, he was trying to flirt with Bec and I didn't like that." I stared at him in awe. 

"Awwww Hunter!!!" I squealed before covering my mouth. He blushed, he's so adorable!

"Well, don't let nan nigga touch or try to talk to yo future baby mama!" I yell and he shushed me and I calmed down. "You better beat his ass, or you go be so embarrassed." He nodded, "On it boss."

"He's here!"  Some people yelled and I rolled my eyes. Maybe we should just take Hunter back home. Yea, that's a good idea.

"Okay, never mind. Lets just go." I said, pulling on his arm. "Near, leave him alone, my boy aint no pussy, he finna fight." Blu said and I let go of his arm. 

I stomped away to Bec. The guy came and he was staring at us. "Fxck he looking at?" I asked. "Me." Bec said and I growled. 

I looked at Hunt and he hadn't moved. "Loose Face, if H get beat up, it's yo fault. You know that right?" Grey said and we laughed. "Shut up, Greyson." Grey started walking towards her and he grabbed her by the shirt, lifting her feet off the ground and I punched my brother in the back. "Grey stop."

"Next time you EVER! Say my government name, ima throw yo ass like a fxcking sling shot. You got me?" He said through gritted teeth and I cringed. "Grey stop! Dam." I said and he looked at me and back at Bec.

"You know I'm just playing right?" He asked her and tears were running down her face. "Oh my goodness, Grey! You made ha cry!" He let her go and Blu grabbed her. 

"Loose Face, I was just playing, don't cry. I'm sorry." Grey begged. "Great. Now she wont go on that date with me. " Blu said, aggravated with our brother. She broke away, wiped her face and started laughing. Everyone stared at her but then it hit me, so I started laughing too.

"The fxck." Grey said and we just laughed some more. 

The dude that was supposed to be fighting Hunter started cappin and Hunter just stared boredly at him. 

They squared up. "Kick his ass Hunter!!!" Bec and I yelled.

The guy swung and Hunt dogged it swiftly. "Dam." Fire whispered. I grabbed his hand and he squeezed it which I returned.

They got into a good blend and everyone started woooing and I was so scared, I've never seen Hunt fight before and dam, he was good. The  guy didn't look like he was getting his licks in. 

He kept trying to slang Hunt and it was pissing me off because the guy was so much bigger and he was trying to use his weight on my best friend.

Next thang we knew, Hunter pushed him and when he ran back up, he  dropped him and everybody started yelling. Some guys jumped in and that's when our guys ran and jumped in. Oh hell no.

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