What I miss?

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Jensen's POV (Fire Head)

We were in gym when Lubin came in. I growled, he the homie, but I hadn't seen him in a while. Fucking bxtches does that to ya i guess. Excuse my language.

I looked at Minnie and her legs were shaking, she was just calm a few minutes ago. "Wassup fam." Lubin said as he walked over to me. We did our bro hand shake which was when we grabbed each others hand, pulled back with a snap and saluted each other with our middle and pointing finger.

"Yooooo where you been, I aint seen yo low down ass since the school party the other night." I said and he sighed, which made me chuckle.

The bell rung and Minnie and her friends ran out. They usually cause a commotion but I guess that they were in a hurry.

We got up and walked out the gym. "My dude, ole girl popped up at the crib like 3 days ago yo." Lubin said as we walked out the school doors. We don't carry books and backpacks... Their not caused for if you don't do work like us.

"Which one?" I asked as we got in my bumble bee Camaro. "Kyla yo." I shook my head as I chuckled. I pulled out the student parking lot, we don't need seat belts, real n***** don't wear em, we fly out the car.

"I'm dead." I said as I raced down the street. "Mane... I had just came from Mc Donald's and I walked in my room and she was der, bxtch had no clothes on." I busted out laughing again.

"And you mad about dat?" "Nah... I was hype as f**k when I came home from Mc Donald's, ole girl caught an attitude when she was da one that messed up my order." "Ohhhh lort." He chuckled. "So... did you hit or what?"

I saw him give me a look out of the corner of my eye. "You know I did." I extended my right hand because I drive with one hand and he shook it.

"Was the poonani good my dude?" "Dam yo you nosey as shxt." I chuckled as I slowed down for the red light. "It was alright I guess. I mean, I've had it plenty of times and the shxt gets old you know fam?" "Nah.. not really." "What chu mean by "not really," aint no bxtches hittin that head?" I shrugged as the light turned green. "Nah fam... From what you runnin to me, I don't want none hittin this head, no tellin who else head she hittin." He busted out laughing.

"That's why we use these things called CONDOMS." He said and I chuckled. "Nah.... Ima just lay low for a while." He sighed, "Whatever yo. Aye! Did I run it to you bout that school party?" I looked at him quickly before focusing back on the street. "Nah, run it."

"I danced with this lil shorty." "Was she bangin?" "Was she? I mean, she was average but with that dress? She was top rankin." I chuckled, "So you diggin ha?" "Maybe.. I didn't get to see her face. I showed her mines but she ran off." I laughed, "Mane, why you aint stop ha?" "She was too fast yo." "She go to our school?" "Hell she better be, she was at the dance." "Tru tru, so you go find ha?" "Don't I find em all?" "Mane shut the f**k up, you act like you just play boy or some shxt." I said and he chuckled.

"Maybe I am." He said as we pulled up to my house. We got out and walked in.

"T Lady I'm home!" I yelled. "I'm in the kitchen, Sen." She yelled back. "Come on." I told Lubin.

We call each other by our last names because our first names are kinda similar. Him and Dee have been my best friends since we were 10 years old.

I love those guys. "Mama wassup." He said, giving my mama a hug as we walked into the kitchen.

She squealed and hugged him tightly. I walked straight to the ice box. I'm hungry shid. School food is worse than jail food.

"T Lady what chu cooking?" I asked my mama and she turned towards me. "Nachos?" I smirked and nodded. "You already know." I grabbed a fruit cup from the ice box. I closed it and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

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