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Jensen's (Fire Head) POV:

Dee the dark skin and Fire Head is the light one.

"I'm pissed the fxck off." I said to my best friend, Dee, calmly.

We were in my house. "I'd be too. Like yo, respect the bro code. He knew you was feelin ha since day one. Why hit on ha now." He said, drinking some Gatorade. "Exactly! But he was talking about her since the dance." He smacked his lips. "So. Everybody know that Lubin is a hoe, so why let him steal yo girl." I nodded, "I like her dude, been feeling my lil Minnie." "So go get ha!" "What if she likes him back?" "Then she dumb as hell." I laughed.

Jean's (Lubin) POV:

"Fxck!" I screamed. She kept sucking and I was just out of there.

This was worth ditching my friends.

She looked into my eyes and I pushed her head back down. I inhaled deeply, cussing even louder.

I heard the door slam. "Bianca!" The man yelled and she instantly took my dick out of her mouth.

I smacked my lips and reached up and pulled her back down. "That's my daddy." She whispered and I shrugged. "So. Your not done yet." She started sucking again and I started laughing, making her choke.

The man started pounding on her room door, she was about to get up but I grabbed a hand full of her sweaty brown hair and bobbed her head. Shid she didn't stop so why end it.

"Bianca!" The man yelled and I sighed. "Fxck." I cursed silently. I pushed her off of me and got up.

I pulled my sweats back on and jumped out her window without looking at her.

As I ran out their yard, my phone started ringing.

"Waddup?" "Yo where the fxck are you?" Dee yelled into the phone. I smirked. "I knew you would miss me." "Hell nawl, we just trying to see if yo bxtch ass was going out tonight." "Of course I am." I said, walking down the street.

"Aye ma, lemme get your number." I said to the fine ass girl that was walking down the street. "Ask ha do she gotta friend!" Dee yelled. "You ain't even that fine anyways." I said when she ignored me. I heard my friends laughing in the phone.

"Where you just came from?" "Getting some top from ole girl." "Who?" "I forgot her name to be honest." "I hope you catch some, with your nasty ass."  I laughed, "Shut up. I'm on my way."

"Yo. Take us a pic." Viola said. "Ight." I said, taking his phone.

"Wait." He said, climbing on the speed sign. I started laughing, "I hope you fall." "If I die, ima haunt you first." "Hell nawl." We laughed.

"3.6.11." I counted, taking the picture. "You dumb as shxt." Dee said and I laughed.

"Wooooooeeee. Where you been?" Bianca squealed as she "blocked" me on the wall. I looked down and smirked.

I flipped our position so that I was now trapping her.

She looked up and started leaning up for a kiss. I pushed her head back and chuckled.

"Who else have you been sucking?" "Just you." She said, rubbing my thigh. I rolled my eyes but smirked.

She was looking down at my crotch, waiting for my boy to wake up. I forced her to look at me and she smiled. "Promise?" I whispered and she nodded. "Talk to me, ma." "Baby I promise." "Let me smell your breath." She laughed.

I grabbed her face roughly and she stopped and licked her lips. Somehow she doesn't care about my roughness, she's the freakiest one I've ever had.

"Open." I said, squeezing her cheeks. She opened her mouth and I smelled. "Smells just like me. It better be me." "We can get the smell stronger if you want. Let me make it stronger." She whined, grinding on me.

"Beg for it. Don't tell me what to do, you listen to me." "I'm sorry. Baby can you please take me to make it smell more like you." "More." "Pleeeeese." I gave her a blank look. "Baby please, I need it so bad." More blank look. "Ugh!" She stomped and I laughed.

I grabbed her hand and roughly dragged her to the closest room. I love it when she's frustrated, it's always my plan.

I opened the door and pushed her in. I slammed the door behind me and pushed her against it.

She tried to kiss me but  I pushed her back.

"Knees." I said, pushing the top of her head down.

She obeyed and I un zipped my jeans.

Neariah's POV:

The next day

"You need to talk to him then." Bec said, after I whined to her about Fire Head.

I slumped in my desk. "I know. But it was Jean though." "Tell him that then."

The bell rung and it was lunch time, he wouldn't talk to me yesterday.

We were sitting at our lunch table, waiting for Hunt as usual.

"Dudes." He said, sounding like he had been running. We looked at him.

"What happened?" We asked. "Jensen is pissed dude. He was slamming lockers in the locker room." "It's not gym yet. Why were y'all in the locker room?" Bec asked. "Practice." "For what?" "Football. NeNe, you must've did some with Jean because dude is pissed to the max yo." "When the hell did you start playing?" "Oh my God Bec! Shut the hell up." I said and she looked at me and laughed. "Cranky Sally."

"Look." Hunt said and I looked over and I saw Fire Head and his friends walking into the lunch room. He didn't even spare me a glance.

I felt hurt. I pursed my lips, got up and walked out the lunch room.

I heard my friends yelling my name but I didn't turn around. Why isn't he talking to me?! It wasn't me, it was Jean stupid ass.

I ran to the library. "Do you have a pass?" The librarian asked and I shook my head. "Not today. I'll have one tomorrow." I mumbled as I walked past her.

I found a poem book and I started reading and soon I found myself opening another one, getting lost in the beautiful words of Langston Hughes.

I heard whispering. "Langston is that you?" I asked, looking up at the ceiling and my friends busted out laughing, causing the librarian to shush them.

"Why'd you run out?" Bec asked as they sat on the floor next to me.

"I didn't even do anything, it should be Jean who he shouldn't be talking to." "The bell is about to ring. Give him some time girl, maybe he's hurting more than you." "Yea! I'll spy on him for you." Hunt said and I smiled.

"You like him don't you." Bec said  as we walked down the hall. "I really do."

sorry about the language lol, this is a short chapter because y'all need to see the change and growth like real books do. hope y'all like it.

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