"Alright kids, if you don't go now, you're going to be late," Bobby said, ushering us out. "Let me take a few pictures first. I'd be a deadman if I didn't."

It was me this time, who tried to hide my giggle, but just like Dean, I failed. After a few pictures, Dean grabbed my hand and we walked to his Impala.

"Damn baby," he said, patting the hood of the car. "Still as fine as ever."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Y'know, sometimes I wonder if you like the car more than me," I said, getting in the passenger seat.

"Sometimes I wonder too," Dean said, kissing me on the cheek, and then proceeding to start the car.

"We should probably park a few streets away from the school, just because it'll be fairly busy," I suggested.

He nodded and said, "Yeah, you're probably right."

As per usual, Dean threw in some of his old music, and we jammed all the way to the spot where we stopped the car and got out to walk. We parked only a few blocks away from the school. He held my hand as we walked to our destination, not caring about the people who looked at us like there was something wrong. That something being the fact that we were both men.

I got lost in thought as we walked. I don't particularly understand why people find it so necessary to criticize those who are different. Girls who likes girls, and boys who like boys. Girls who want to be boys, and boys who want to be girls. That's exactly like judging someone because they prefer hotdogs over hamburgers. What does it matter?

This was one of those things that I was extremely passionate about. I want to be able to be me and not have to worry about it displeasing other people. As long as who I am is not a detriment to myself, or to others, then it shouldn't matter, to anyone. Discrimination is a huge issue, and it won't stop being one unless people see things for what they really are, compared to what they want them to be.

I was awoken from my trance when Dean started screaming my name. I stopped in my tracks, and turned around to look at him, only to see him running towards me, pointing to my left. I averted my eyes to the place he was pointing, and when I did that, it was like time slowed down.

There was a large truck, likely transporting cattle, driving straight towards me, and although everything appeared to be slow motion, I knew realistically it was headed straight for me, and it was going to hit me. In the short space of time I could think, I tried to make a plan.

How likely is it that if I try to jump out of the way, that I will succeed?  Impossible. I won't make it.

So what do I do?  Try it anyways.

That was what I did. Even though I knew getting hit was inevitable, I tried to jump out of the way anyways.

I had spent too much time thinking, and not enough time moving. Just as I had jumped diagonally, the truck hit me, and fuck did it hit me hard. My body plummeted to the ground beneath me, and at that point I couldn't move.

At this moment, I was suffering from paralysis and agonizing pain. I couldn't move my head, or my body, but from my peripheral vision, I could see a pool of thick red liquid surrounding me. At first, I didn't know what it was, but when the putrid scent of metal hit my nostrils, I knew it was blood. It wasn't a little bit of blood either, but a large pool of blood spreading around my head, and that was all I could see.

Then, my breathing started to hitch. It was sporadic. Suffocation for 15 seconds, and inhalation for 5, and that process continued until I started to feel like I was drowning and then breathing stopped all together. It wasn't water, it couldn't be, so the only logical explanation was blood. I was choking on my own blood.

There was no voluntary movement, but my body had started to convulse, shaking and twisting on the ground.

After the breathing, my vision started to give out. First, it got blurry and then it focused. I don't know if my eyelids were open or closed, but then it started going darker and darker. As time progressed, I wasn't able to see anymore. It was completely black.

Hearing was the least of my concern, but I suppose that was because I hadn't been able to hear since I got hit. Instead, there was just ringing. Loud, obnoxious ringing in my ears and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. On its own, my hearing came back, but honestly, I wish it didn't. There were sirens. People were screaming and crying and calling for help. I started to hear the light pitter-patter of rain, as it hit the ground next to me. However, those sounds, although unpleasant, were bearable. The worst sound, the one I wish I hadn't heard was the teary, cracked plea of Dean's voice.

"Please baby, please.. Be okay.. Come back to me.. Please baby..."

He was begging, pleading, and I couldn't help. The pain I was going through was no longer my biggest concern. Upon hearing Dean's words, his pain was my biggest concern.

If someone had asked me the worst thing I'd ever heard in my life, I wouldn't even need to think about it. That, right there, would be my number one. My boyfriend's heartbroken plea for me to be okay.

After losing almost all of my senses, my hearing went next, leaving me with my thoughts. My agonizing thoughts, which, although they weren't the worst part of it, it was definitely        runner-up.

Would I be okay?  Honestly, I don't know. Simply because I didn't know how injured I was.

Am I going to die?  Possibly.

Am I going to try to fight through this all?  Definitely.

First my ability to move, then my ability to breathe, and after those, my ability to see and hear, and finally, my capability to think left me.

But before that all happened, the last thing I thought of was the conversation I had with Bobby earlier. 'I know that you are the last thing that would hurt him,'  I'm sorry, Bobby.. I failed you.

Before I Met You (DESTIEL HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now