Crowley x Reader: Unknown Feelings (P2)😢💔

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                                            ITS BEEN 2 years since you last saw him, and also, its been 2 years since the day he left you behind with great unknown feelings. That prevented you from sleeping almost every night. Thinking of a way how to erase and forget those feelings. And you manage to forget those feelings within 2 years.

                                             YOU LET out a heavy sigh as you listened at your former teammates. Complaining that how the world is so ugly now. You rolled your eyes and look forward, trying not to listen to their conversation.

" Hey Cap!"

Someone called you, you look back and saw that your former teammates is so far behind you. You look at the ground then to them, and then to the ground then to them. You let out a sigh once again and started walking back to them. As you were infront of them, someone touch your shoulder. You look at the person and smiled at him.

" Are you okay Cap?"

(B/BF) ask you with a hint of worry in his tone. You only smile and nodded. He returned the smile and let go of your shoulder. You look at your other teammates and notice that they're looking at you worriedly.

" If you don't feel better Cap, we can continue this Mission tomorrow or maybe next day,?"

Yui said while looking at you worriedly. You shook your head seriously.
" No we can't. Guren is counting on us. Now let's end this mission and go home early."

You said with a confident smile, your teammates look at each other and grin while bumping their fist on the air.
" Yeah!"

You giggle and started walking while your teammates follow behind you, talking happily. While walking, you could feel the ground shaking slightly. You look at the ground and look closely to the small rocks that are jumping slightly. But then suddenly, the ground started shaking madly!

" Woah! What's happening?!"

" Stand on guard!"

You shouted as you stand firmly. But a Horsemen of the Apocalypse jumped towards you, almost squishing you guys to death when all of you didn't jumped away. You cuss and pulled out your weapon, you called its name and was about to run when (B/BF) called you.

" Wait Cap! We should help too!"

" No! I want you to lead the team inside Nagoya City without being noticed by the vampires!"

You dodge and cuss when it attacked you, you narrowed your eyes at the creature and jumped highly and cut one of its hand, making it scream in agony. You landed on the ground and look at you friend.

" We need to accomplish this mission (B/BF), if not then our lives will be at stake. Now, go and I'll follow you guys once I'm done with this crap."

You smiled and put your attention back at the creature and rolled your eyes when you saw it barely standing.

" Is that all you've got?"

You ask with a hint of teasing in your voice. The Horsemen growl and stood up, he growl at you and charges. You smirk as you did some spinning to your sword. You stood at your fighting stance and hold your weapon with both hands and jump once the Horsemen attacked you with its other hand. You landed on its head and smirk as it tries to shake you off from its head. You faced your sword downward and look at its head and without hesitation, you stab the Horsemen in its head. Making it to release a loud howl for one last time and drop on the ground, dead. You pulled out your sword and swing it fast to remove the blood on it. You sheath your sword when a big shadow covered you. You quickly look up and your eyes widened as you saw three Horsemen jumping towards you. You did a quick triple back flip and used your hand and feet to stop. You look up at the Horsemen and gritted your teeth.

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