Find Joy In The Ordinary

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I don't own anything 🙃

This January, why not start the year
with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen. Then,
On New Years Eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year.
(A/N - I'm doing this! :D )
1 year = 365 Opportunities
"As you get older you will
understand more and more
that it's not about what
you look like or what you own,
it's all about the person you've become."
"In the end, she became
More than what she expected.
She became the journey,
And like all journeys,
She did not end, she just
Simply changed directions
And kept going."
- R.M Drake
Never stop looking up.
Never get so busy
you forget to make a life!
may not be good
but there is
something good
in everyday.
It's okay to be a glow-stick.
Sometimes we have to break before we shine!
Your life is a story.
Write well.
Edit often.
You may not always
understand why God allows
certain things to happen,
but you can be certain that God is not making
any mistakes.
Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!
Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.
If you have a family that loves you,
a few good friends,
food on your table,
and a roof over your head.
You are richer than you think.
If there is no way, create one.
Everything heals.
Your heart heals.
The mind heals.
Wounds heal.
Your happiness is always going to come back.
Bad times don't last.
You always have a choice!
How do we change the world?
"One random act of kindness at a time." -Morgan Freeman
Fill your life with adventures, not things.
Have stories to tell not stuff to show.
the ocean can calm itself,
So can you.
We are both salt water mixed with air."
-Meditation, nayyirah waheed
"But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength."
-2 Timothy 4:17
"Children are not a distraction from more important work,
they are the most important work."
- C.S Lewis
"Those who love Tolkien are almost always good people, honest people.
Some are Hobbit-like and some are Elvish, but none are Orcish.

Not all Tolkien haters are Orcs,
but all Orcs are Tolkien haters."
-Peter Kreeft
(from his book, The Philosophy of Tolkien)
"And he took her in his arms and kissed her
Under the sunlit sky
And he cared not
That they stood high
Upon the walls
In the sight of many."
-J.R.R Tolkien
"Books are the perfect
No commercials, no batteries,
hours of enjoyment for each dollar spent.
What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book
around for those inevitable dead spots in life."
-Stephen King
One day I will remember,
remember everything that happened.
The good the bad, those who survived.

So, What some of your favorite Quotes?

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