Chapter 7: The One Who Got Away

Start from the beginning

"Saint open the door......" I said nervously, he started walking towards me slowly unbuttoning his shirt as I had nowhere to go. "Saint please......." I said trying to maneuver around him but he tracked my every move with his eyes, like a panther stalking it's prey.

"I'll let you leave if you answer this one simple question. Why'd you really leave Baby Boy?" Saint asked working on his belt next and I had somehow made it back to his desk as his lips ran across my neck.

"Because I wanna get married......." I said and Saint took a few steps back, for once I couldn't read his face he just seemed to be thinking a million things at once. "I wanna get married but I know you're not ready for it, you're too focused on work for anything else and I......." Saint walked over to his desk and pulled out a small box.

"I've carried this with me everyday since the day you left....... actually the night you asked for a break I was planning on asking you. Baby Boy we've been together since I was fourteen and for the past eleven year you've been the only person I could see myself with...... I don't be with nobody but you. I'll talk to my dad I can take some time off, hell I've earned it........ just don't leave me again." Saint said looking in my eyes.

"Would you really take time off of work just to be with me?" I asked trying to keep my eyes about his neck.

"In a heartbeat..... we can spend a month on Saint Trinity Island, or we could go to Paris, Rome, London, Tokyo, India...... where ever you want I just want you, I've always wanted you." Saint said buttoning his shirt back up. "Look we can talk about this later, I'm about to finish this last little bit of work then tell my dad I'm taking some time off. I'll be by later and we can talk... like really talk because I wanna know every little thing that happened while you were away."

"Like you weren't having me followed Toussaint." I said laughing and he just gave me the crooked grin that almost caused my pants to end up around my ankles. "I would give you a kiss but we both know where that leads........ so I'll see you later, umm can you unlock the door?" I asked and I heard the door click.

"Mario....." Saint said and I turned back to look at him. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked holding up the box. I debated with myself on whether or not to go back and get the ring.

"Bring it over tonight......." I said smiling as I walked out the room. I think I held my own considering how we used to be but it was still extremely difficult, I stood outside the elevator and as soon as it opened I was pushed inside, I turned around just in time to see Saint press the button to close the door. "Saint what are you....?"

"Ayy I need you to lock down elevator three until I tell you otherwise and turn off that damn camera in here." Saint said hanging up his phone. My eyes went to the camera in the left corner as the light went off and Saint pushed me up against the wall. "You were right..... I don't have any self-control." And that was the last words we spoke to each other that weren't sex sounds. We literally fucked all the way back to my apartment only stopping to move from one place to the next..... by the time we were finished I had probably burned ten thousand calories but he was still trying to go again.

"Saint this has got to stop...... we should have more control than his." I said all the while rubbing his dick trying to bring it back to life.

"You're right...... we should so starting tomorrow no sex for a month." Saint said and I tried to comprehend what he was saying, we had literally just went six months without sex and he was talking about adding another month on top of that, that was almost a year. "So how was your vacation?" Saint asked and I really didn't want to talk about it, my parents were worse than they've ever been.

"I....." Someone started banging on the door and Saint looked at me. "I don't know who that is....." I said getting up and putting some shorts on, I walked out to the door and looked out the peephole trying to see who it was but I couldn't make out their face. I looked back at Saint who stood behind me completely naked holding a gun. I opened the door slightly and the person on the other side stared directly in my eyes......

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