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Throwing his shoes on, Pete scrambled around the house, trying to find his car keys. He had to go to the Way's house. He couldn't leave Mikey alone with Gerard who just found out that they were dating.

The drive to his house was almost automatic. His mind was swirling with thoughts about Mikey, and the movements were just automatic.

It seemed to take ages to get to his boyfriend's house, every red light seeming to take hours.

Pete didn't bother trying to hide his car. He parked in the driveway, and scrambled to get out of the car. As he grew closer to the house, he heard Gerard shouting. Pete couldn't hear Mikey's voice though.

Pete hesitantly knocked on the door, not knowing who would open. That became evident as Gerard's voice got closer and louder.
"-And I swear to fucking God, if Pete fucking Wentz is on the other side of this fucking door, I will-" Gerard opened the door. Pete had a sheepish look on his face, but smiled at Gerard.

"Hello." He pushed past Mikey's brother, and scanned the room. Mikey was sitting on the couch, tears streaming down his face. Pete instantly went to sit by him, but was cut off by Gerard.

"Hell no. You sit over there." Gerard pointed to a chair on the other side of the room. Pete ignored him, sitting next to his boyfriend.

Mikey smiled slightly at him, and Pete wiped the tears off of his cheeks.

"Hey bumblebee." Pete spoke quietly, well aware of Gerard's glare on him. Mikey let out a breath of air, looking down.

"No. Stop. Stop this, and tell me what the fuck is going on. Mikey? What the fuck is going on?" Gerard demanded, standing in front of them.

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