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Pete: hey Mikey you busy
Mikey: no
Pete: then can I rant for a second
Mikey: ofc
Pete: so at my school, there is this teacher, let's call her ms x
Pete: and she teaches health and whatnot
Pete: and I hate calling people this, but she's a bitch
Pete: a kid in my class sneezed, and she gave him detention
Mikey: that actually happened to me once it was so horrible
Pete: and she has been keeping a lot of kids after school lately, for stupid reasons like 'you got the date wrong'
Pete: so she kept me after one day, and my football coach was pissed cause I had practice that day
Pete: so he went to talk to her
Pete: and my coach is actually a really cool dude he's like a dad to me
Pete: but that bitch slapped him right across the face
Pete: and then she told everyone that he abused her
Pete: so ofc the principal looked at the surveillance cameras
Pete: and saw that he was just talking to her calmly and she slapped him
Mikey: ...
Pete: so she got in trouble but then a student spoke out
Pete: she sexually abused him
Pete: I'm sorry, I'm just so fucking pissed. Can I call you, or Skype you?
Mikey: uh sorry I can't I gotta go sorry
Pete: what?
Pete: uh okay
Pete: bye, I guess

unknown number // petekeyWhere stories live. Discover now