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or also called, Gay Boys R Cute™

also, please please please check out my new fic, Yesterday and Tomorrow! It is a frerard!!! and Fight To The End is coming out tomorrow!!! im so happy 


"You got the chips? Came Pete's voice from inside the pile of blankets. Mikey laughed, and started to tactically climb into the bed. Music plated softly in the room, and heat almost radiated off of the bed where Pete was. 

"I don't want to step on your hand or something." Mikey said, pushing aside some blankets and pillows.

"Don't worry," Pete responded as Mikey found the right blanket to pull away to reveal Pete's face. "I have a pain kink."

Mikey dropped the bag of chips in surprise, causing Pete to laugh. Pete grabbed his boyfriend's waist and pulled him down so he could lay next to him. Pete also grabbed the bag of chips which he promptly opened and pulled out a handful. Before he could eat one, Mikey kissed him deeply on the lips.

Pete dropped his hand on the bed, forgetting about the chips. He hummed, pulling Mikey closer with his free hand. Mikey leaned onto Pete more, nearly laying on top of him. The kiss got more heated, and Pete nearly released his hold on the chips.

Pete whined when Mikey pulled away, making the latter chuckle.

"Eat yo damn chips." Mikey said, laying down next to Pete and grabbing his own handful of chips. "You wanted a kiss to warm you up, and that is what you got." Mikey said sassily, eating a chip. Pete rolled his eyes but grabbed his boyfriend's hand. Mikey squeezed it gently, resting his head on Pete's shoulder.

"Thanks, babe." He said. Mikey hummed in response, closing his eyes and listening to the music.

"You are cool and all, but it is literally April, coming on summer, and it's so hot in this room." Mikey spoke quietly. Pete snorted.

"It is only hot because I am here." It was Mikey's turn to laugh. "What?" Mikey only laughed harder. "You know, some actually consider me to be a catch!"

"Who said that?"

Pete shifted in mock-uncomfort.

"My mom."

Mikey erupted in more laughter, nearly sending the open bag of chips flying.

Smiling, Pete pulled Mikey in for another kiss.

"Mmfh." Mikey hummed once they pulled away. "Thanks for letting me come over today."

"Thank Ray for being our cover." Mikey chuckled again.

"He's like our beard." Mikey said, making Pete let out a surprised snort of laughter.

"Stop this. Let us be cute."

"Instagram cute, or tumblr cute?" Mikey clarified.

"Pinterest cute, like all of the middle aged lonely moms will look at photos of our cute dates and wish that their husbands would stop cheating on them so they could go on dates like ours."

"Pete," Mikey admonished. "I use Pinterest."

"Oh my God, seriously?" Pete asked, sitting up. Mikey nodded.

"Yeah. I don't have a date board, but I have a cute-lovey-dovey board of love quotes and pictures of people kissing. Maybe I can start a date idea board." Mikey said, struggling to pull his phone out of his pocket from his position.

"Holy shit, please do. Can you show it to me when you are done?" Pete asked, looking like he was genuinely excited at the prospect of Mikey having a date idea Pinterest board.

"Of course not!" Mikey said, sitting himself up as well. Pete started to smile, then Mikey's words registered.

"Why not?"

"Because if you saw the date ideas, I couldn't surprise you with them!" Mikey responded, as if it was obvious. Pete smiled, and leaned in to kiss Mikey.

"I know we already went through this, but I am really happy you came over today." Pete whispered. Mikey smiled, and rested his forehead against Pete's.

"Me too."   

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