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Mikey: i had a fun time today :)

Pete: u make it sound like we did the frick frack

Mikey: ooh yes the frick frack wow such a sexy name

Pete: u kno it bb ;)

Mikey: wo w

Mikey: oH MY GOD gerard just asked me why all of the pillows on the couch were messed up

Pete: tell him that u wanted to make a pillow fort so u did

Pete: its the truth

Mikey: no it was u u wanted to build the fort i just did all the work

Pete: well sorrrrrry the pizza came

Mikey: thats not all u did u deemed it necessary to kiss me every 2 seconds so i couldnt build the fort

Pete: r u complaining

Pete: r00d

Mikey: w e m l

Pete: what

Mikey: u know 'what ever major loser' from that twitches that movie

Pete: nah

Mikey: wo w

Pete: thats right ur boyfriend is very uncultured in disney movies

Mikey: is that who u r

Mikey: my boyfriend??? Is this official????

Pete: o

Pete: crap i forgot to ask you like officially i kinda just assumed

Pete: mikey will you be my boyfriend? Cause i really like u and ur really cute and u make good forts and kiss really good

Mikey: of course??? Oh my god yes

Mikey: i hate to ruin the moment but i have to ask the uncomfortable question

Mikey: but come school, like no one can know, cause gerard will slay u and then stab me 2 times

Pete: ok but why wont he slay u why would he only stab u 2 times

Mikey: cause im his brother and he will blame u 100%

Pete: but seriously this is the awkward question but ummm maybe we just ignore each other?? If ur chill with that

Pete: just pretend that we dont exist

Mikey: ok yeah that sounds good

Pete: hey darrrrrrrlin

Mikey: yis

Pete: wanna hang out tomorrow

Mikey: ummm

Mikey: of course

Pete: omg u actually got me i thought u were gonna say no

Mikey: omg u lil fragile baby

Mikey: so pure so tiny

Pete: ok im not tiny i got muscles u may be taller but ur a scrawny thing like damn eat some foot

Pete: *food

Mikey: yes i will go eat some foot right now

Mikey: thank u

Pete: frick u

Mikey: mmmmm m whatever

Mikey: ugh i have to go

Pete: awwww W w wWWwWWwwww

Pete: whatever will i do without u

Mikey: die

Pete: luv u 2222222222222222

Mikey: whatever ok good bye

Pete: bye darlin

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