forty three

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As soon as Gerard got to the door, he stopped. The door was open, and he could hear Mikey's soft breathing. Frank and Ray finally caught up to him. Ray gave him a tight smile, and went into the room first. Gerard followed closely behind, as well as Frank.

"Hey Mikey!" Ray cheered. "What's up, my man?" Gerard looked at Mikey.

His brother was in a hospital bed, propped up by some pillows. He had a few bruises on his face, and his arms were all bandaged. There was a tube connected to his hand, and it was connected to an IV. Mikey was staring forward at the wall blankly, not even seeming to have heard Ray. Ray sensed this, and pulled a chair up to the bed. Frank was the next to speak. He walked in front of Gerard (who had frozen), and gave Mikey a small smile.

"Hey, bud. How are you?" No response. Frank let out an awkward chuckle, and sat down as well. Gerard had finally unfrozen, and took a few steps so he stood at the foot of Mikey's bed. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Gerard swallowed, and rubbed at his eyes furiously. Mikey wasn't even looking at him. It was almost like he was looking through him.

"Where you at, Mikey? Where is your mind?" Ray mumbled. Mikey blinked. After a few more seconds, a nurse came into the room. She stumbled back at the sight of everyone, clearly not expecting three teenaged boys in there. She looked at Gerard, and gave him a small smile.
"Are you his brother?" She asked, and Gerard nodded.

The nurse walked around him and grabbed the clipboard that was on the wall.

"Well, someone brought him in last night. I can give you that man's number so you can get all of the details. Around midnight, I believe, he was brought in, passed out. He hadn't had food or water in days, and there were cuts all over his arms and legs. The bleeding wasn't too severe, and he woke up around 2. He wouldn't talk or eat, so we had to give him the IV. The only way that we know who his identity was is one of our volunteers goes to the same high school, and knew him." Gerard swayed a little, and Frank had to help him sit down. "Can I ask a few questions?" The nurse said.

She looked at Gerard, and shook her head.

"Actually, never mind. You look like you need a minute to be with your brother. If you need anything, there is a desk right around the corner. My name is Jan, I have been working with your brother." The woman left. Mikey blinked again.

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