We ran back to the castle, quickly made ourselves look presentable, and made it just in time to Professor McGonagall's class. She would've really had our heads if we were late to her class on the first day, two years in a row.

We were practicing everything we learned from first year, and it was a breeze for me. I'd always been very good in Transfiguration. I noticed Harry and Ron struggling to turn a needle to a button. That was, what, from the first day last year?

"Ron, is your wand broken?" Hermione asked.

"Er, yeah..." he replied.

"Hm, maybe that's why none of your spells are working," Olivia said sarcastically. I snickered.

Next we had lunch, which got interesting when Ava used a charm to throw sandwiches at Ron's face. Amazing, she was, with charms. Anyways, it was really funny watching Ron get scared, mad, and confused all at once. After lunch, all of us headed to DADA with Lockhart. Arrogant prat.

"Hello, class. I am Professor Lockhart, today we will be taking a short quiz on these books," he held up one of his books, "I'd like to see if you've been reading them. Once we're done with that, I have a surprise for all of you."

My jaw dropped. Well, getting good grades this year just went down the toilet. I could always fix my Mandrakes from Herbology, and they weren't bad in the first place, I was just a bit spaced out. I knew I'd do well in Transfiguration, but why was he expecting us to take a quiz on something none of us had read? With the exception of Hermione, of course.

Lockhart swished his wand, and pieces of parchment appeared in front of everybody. Short quiz? That thing had sixty questions!

I read number one, then snorted, realizing this quiz was about himself.

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's best achievement?

I didn't know any of these things, so it looked like somebody was getting trolled.

I wrote down my answer, smirking.

He doesn't have any achievements, he is just an egotistical prat who makes things up to make himself look good.

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

The number seven <3

The questions went on like that, and hopefully I could make this grade up with other ones, because that assignment would have a failing grade.

After thirty minutes of the class had passed, Lockhart picked up all of our quizzes and put them in a pile on his desk.

"Now, what I'm going to show you are very dangerous creatures who you must not mess around with, got it?" Lockhart said, taking out an object that looked like a cage with a blanket over it. Neville looked like he was going to pass out.

Lockhart removed the blanket, revealing a bunch of pixies, flying around the cage.

Seamus couldn't hold in his laughter anymore, and I thought he might die from laughing his bum off. When Seamus laughed, Dean laughed, then Ron laughed, and it was a chain reaction. Soon enough, I was rolling over onto Olivia, who was sitting at a table with me. I laughed almost as hard as Seamus, which caused Olivia to ask if I was high.

"Quiet down now, quiet down, please! I am going to release the pixies in three, two, one," Lockhart said, opening the cage door. The pixies flew around everywhere, breaking things, and they even took poor Neville and hung him from the chandelier.

"Ava, do something! You're good at charms," I yelled, ducking under a table just before four pixies grabbed my shirt to pull me up with them.

"Petrificus Totales," Ava said, making the two pixies holding Neville to become completely unmoving. That caused Neville to start falling downwards, but Ava slowed him down with a spell, and we caught him. He thanked us, then ran under a desk.

"I didn't know they would do this, I really didn't. Do something!" Lockhart yelled, covering his head.

I rolled my eyes, doing the same spell Ava had done to a few pixies, and locked them back into the cage. Hermione caught a few, then the bell rang. Everybody ran out except for Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I. Professor Lockhart locked us in the classroom, saying he'd be back later, and that we were supposed to get all of the pixies. I levitated a chair, then made it go flying into the wall. I wished that chair was Lockhart.

Ron and Harry weren't much of a help, as Ron's wand was broken and Harry still was learning the Petrificus Totales spell.

The rest of our classes flew by, and I was finally relaxing in the common room after dinner. There were some older kids, and Ginny, but she was acting kind of strange. She would write something in her diary, smile, then write something again. Her eyes were sort of glazed over, and she moved really weirdly. I decided not to bother her.

I laid down on the couch, and my eyes started getting heavy. I closed my eyes, and the next thing I knew, I fell asleep.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now