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Eren anxiously stared at the door ready for all of the new faces to crowd in. Not only was it his first day but it was theirs too. It eased Eren's nerves knowing that he wasn't the only one who is going to be anxious to meet all new people.

"Breath brat, you'll do great," Levi said noticing Eren's panicked stare at the door.

"You sure?" He asked flicking his gaze over to Levi.

"Yeah, of course. By the way, the students are more likely to come to you for advice since your age is closer to theirs than the rest of the teachers." Levi said smiling remember Eren doing the same thing to him a few years back.

Eren gulped remember how embarrassed he felt walking up to Levi in 9th grade to ask him about almost every little thing.

"Guess me and you were thinking about the same thing," Levi laughed at his boyfriend whose face had suddenly turned bright red.

"Shut up," Eren said putting his head in his hands.

Levi started to laugh but cut himself off and cleared his throat causing Eren to look up.

When Eren looked up he meets the brown eyes that peered at him from the doorway.

"Is-is this English with Mr. Rivaille." The kid asked with a voice so low that Eren had a hard time hearing him even though he was a few feet away.

"Yes, it is," Eren said clearing his throat and sitting up straight.

"Come in and choose any seat," Levi said from across the room.

The young boy nodded and chose a seat in the very back corner. Eren couldn't help but smile, that was the seat he chose back before the other kids caused them to have a seating chart.

Eren looked at the door as it opened once more, the rest of the students started to file into the classroom one by one. He watched as all of the students chose their own seats. His eyes were drawn back to the kid whose seat wasn't that far away from his desk. The kid looked anxious, well they all looked anxious, but something was different with this kid. His actions looked oh so familiar to Eren. The boy looked like he was shaking, more than just his leg nervously twitching, but his whole body.

Eren didn't know if he should step in and say something to try and ease the boy's nerves or to just let him be. He took a deep breath making his decision and walked over and squatting down next to the boy's desk.

"Hey it's okay, you don't need to be so nervous," Eren said looking up at the boy.

The boy practically jumped as he turned his head towards Eren. He met Eren's kind heartfelt smile and eased his tensed muscles a bit. "But I don't know these people, and that terrifies me." The kid whispered to Eren.

"That's okay, that just means you get to make new friends," Eren said looking around the class. "Don't worry you aren't the only one that is scared to be around all new people," Eren leaned in and covered his mouth so that only the boy could see what he was saying. "Todays my first day and I'm nervous too. We can get through this together okay?" Eren asked looking into the kid's brown eyes, they almost appeared golden in this light.

The boy went to protest saying he's never been good at making friends, but bit his tongue and just said "Okay." He said it nervously but he gave Eren a small smile.

Eren nodded and walked back to his desk his eyes meet Levi's and he noticed that Levi had a small smile on his face that only seemed to be visible to Eren. Levi nodded and then cleared his throat wiping away all traces of any emotion. He stood up and began his introduction.

"Hello class, I will be your teacher. My name is Mr. Rivaille, and the man back there is Mr. Jaeger," Levi said pointing at Eren. "He is our teacher's assistant. Feel free to him or me anything if you need help." All the students looked back at Eren and he made a cheeky smile trying to hide how nervous he was.

Levi continued to speak about the rules of the class and what the year would look like. The students looked like they weren't paying any attention to what he was saying so Eren intervened with Levi's permission. He looked at Levi and Levi nodded and gestured for him to come up to the front of the class.

Eren nodded and walked up to the front of the class and cleared his throat. He gained most of the kid's attention. "Everyone listen up, I know you all would like to tune out what he is saying and go into la la land worrying about anything else, but let me tell you you're going to want to listen. I was in his class for four years, and it was torturous. You guys are going to want to know what you are in for." Eren said warning the students.

Levi had to hold back his question of what made it torturous until after class. He didn't know whether to be proud or confused that his class was torturous for Eren but just shook it off. He let out a smirk now that all of the students seemed to be listening and looking at them. "He's right. If you don't know what you're in for your time here will be pure hell, but if you follow the rules things will be just fine." Levi said thanking Eren.

"Go sit at my desk, I'll be standing for the whole time," Levi said giving Eren a pass to watch the class from a better angle so he gets a better read on the students he would be helping.

Eren nodded and took a seat at the desk in the front of the class and began watching the student's behavior.

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