Epilogue 15: Khalil

Start from the beginning

"Hold up why do I have to get Michelle's parts?" Liberty asked while chopping some onions.

"Because you can't sing and it's been a long standing tradition that I've always said Kelly was the best singer of the three." Tonya said.

"And I don't take a back seat to anybody..... which is why the lord demands I'm Beyonce." Mama Angela said, yeah I'm not staying in here for this. I walked into the living room where my other brothers; Enzo, Zyshaun and Marsean were arguing over the remote while Blaze, Legacy and Yuri started up a game of Tunk at the table. Why was everyone always arguing about something? I walked out front where Noah was trying his hardest to get out of his mother's grip, while Saint and Mario watched on trying not to laugh.

"Suck it up kid, you might as well get it over with." I said smiling.

"And I better not find out you're out there drinking, I swear to god Noah if you come back in this house drunk I'll beat your ass." Michelle said squeezing him so tight he face was turning red.

"Aight let him go." I said trying to pull her off of him but she had him in the death grip. Finally Michelle let go of Noah and he tried to quickly walk off but I stopped him. "Don't forget you still gotta be in at midnight any later and you'll have to sleep in your car and you know the rules Noah so I'm not going to go over them. Love you punk and be careful."

"Love you too dad...... uhh can I have my arm back?" Noah asked and I didn't realize I was squeezing his arm, almost as if I was afraid to let him go. "Aight I'll catch y'all later and please make sure they don't take nothing out my room." Noah said jumping in his car and pulling off.

"Hold up if you're about to start crying let me pull out my phone to record it." Cam said walking up with Devin. I tried to snatch the phone out his hand but he moved out my reach. "Come old man you're getting slow.... I think we can finally take him Dev, what do you think?" Cam asked Devin who stood there thinking about it. I looked at both of them and thought back to me and Cam's first meeting.

"What's up Devin, you must be Khalil you're shorter than you look on T.V." Cam said and I could tell he was challenging me.

"Yeah I pictured you looking better, but I guess we all couldn't get the good Cunningham genes right Dev." I remembered saying and that was the start of me and Cam's relationship but he was more like me than any of my siblings; his sense of family and loyalty his drive to be better.

"Nah but seriously Khalil we need to talk to you." Cam said pulling out a receipt and handing it to me. "I'm going to need all my money back." He said smiling as I balled it up and threw it at him.

"With the way things are going with your company you might me richer than me one day, so how about you give me some money." I said holding my hand out.

"Ayy keep that thing away from me there's no telling what you and Marcus were doing last night." Devin said smirking and I smiled, thinking back on the long journey it took for me to find him and the day I actually did reunite with my younger brother.

"Devin?" I remember seeing him and scared to move closer because I was scared he was going to disappear again. 

"Don't you see I'm talking to my girl, damn give me a minute." Devin said trying to put on a show but I also saw how close he was to tears from seeing me for the first time in ten years.

"Oooh he is cute Devin you know him?" Staci asked Devin looked me full in the face, his brown eyes shone with a bevy of emotions.

"Nah I don't know this nigga at all." Devin said bumping into me as he walked away.

Me and Devin had been through more than any of my siblings; from sleeping on the floor wearing like six layers of clothes to keep from freezing and having him stand guard while I stole candles for light, though I loved all my siblings equally the bond me and Devin shared as brothers was immeasurable.

"Look I'm going to put it to y'all like this, the only chance y'all have of beating me in a fight it if y'all go get Sa'vion, Dominique, Enzo, Zyshaun, Legacy, Marsean, Alex, Blaze, Yuri and all of y'all kids and even then I think I can take y'all." I said smiling.

"If you say so Khalil but I know one person who you wouldn't dare try...... ayy Marcus, Khalil said he could beat your ass." Devin said walking away with Cam as Marcus stepped out the door.

"Baby he's lying, don't believe nothing he said." I said backing up as Marcus walked towards me, I walked into a car and didn't have anywhere to go as Marcus stared deep into my eyes.

"So you didn't say you could beat my ass?" Marcus asked kissing me gently.

"Nah baby never......." I said grabbing him and pulling his body as close to mine as humanly possible. "I know who runs this house, I'd be crazy to challenge your rule King Marcus." I said laughing because we both knew who really ran things.

"That's what I thought......." Marcus said kissing me. "So I've gotten rid of the kids tonight and I told Noah he could stay or Saint's and Devin's going out with Cam and them so he'll probably crash over there, Cadence god bless her heart is taking all the kids......  so it's just going to be me and you." He said quietly.

"That sounds like a plan...... now give me a kiss." I said not waiting for him to move I just took what I wanted, I don't know how long we stayed like that but it didn't matter... you could search a billion years and I can promise you'd never find two people who were more in love than me and Marcus, our story was over but that didn't mean there wasn't more stories to tell, you'd just have to wait to see what those stories were. Right now I had a house to clear out and a husband to... well use your imagination....................................

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