(Three Hours Later) 
After a couple hours of looking at the records for the hospitals and hotels i now have an understanding of it. Its now seven and time for me to go home which i am so happy for. Okay Alena that's it for today for the rest of the week we will be going over it and then Wednesday we will work on the technology and more of shipping. After that Thursday we will review half the day and the other i will take you through the charities and the donations we make to the universities. 'Friday I'm going to need you either the whole day or half the day because it will be busy with the ball going on'. Okay then i will talk about it with James and Jason tonight. 'Great'. With that i text James on my phone asking him to pick me up. Within three minutes he messages me back saying hes on his way. All i do is sit down in one of the chairs in front of my desk that grandpa is working in. When are you leaving grandpa? 'In a couple of minutes i called one of my drivers already to come pick me up'. That's good grandpa, do you think i will do well running the company grandpa. 'Honestly, i think you will do great your mom and you are such a like. She was so head strong but not to the point where she cocky then she was always a hard worker. Every time we tried to get her something she would refuse it unless she could pay it back with her own money or buy it herself. You will do great your a Williams don't you forget it or let anyone tell you different'. With that said my phone goes off telling me James is here for me. Well I'm going to go head out James is here. 'Me too we can walk down together but don't forget your binder so you can study'. With that being said we gather all of our stuff to leave and walk out of the office. Walking out we see both Megan and Cole right there.' Are you heading out already Megan'? Yes we are. Good we all go down. Great. With that we all set off to the elevator. Once inside it grows quiet. I heard what you said about me taking over the company Megan I'm glad i have your support. 'Of course sweetie it's about time a women puts these men in there place'. After that being said she gives a wink back to the elevator door in time for it to open. Walking out the elevator to the front door we walk out the front door to be greeted by the cold air. Looking forward i see James parked in his white dodge Charger making eye contact he gets off to open the door. Good bye Megan good bye Cole giving grandpa a hug bye before i walk to James. We meet at the car i give him a quick kiss and hug. James can i drive home? "Of course you can". With that he gets into the passengers side while i get in the drivers. Buckling in i rumble​ the engine right before i speed away. After we turn the corner i slow down to normal speed so i can enjoy the drive. I take the long way to the house so i can enjoy for a little longer. "How was your first day"? It was good but it was so much work. I got a personal assistant​ he's really cool. With that i take a peek to James to see a not so happy look. Aww don't be glum Cole is a great guy. Happily married for ten years and twin daughters. Nine years old Addison and Ava and his wife name Jennifer. Now how are you feeling about him? Great haven't meet him but his life seems fulfilled. Yeah i like him to he respects that I'm his boss but, I'm younger then him. Saying that i pull up in front of the house. Turning the car off we go into the house and thankfully its warm. Did you do any of the work we missed? Looking at me he holds my face in his hands. After the day i had i leaned into his touched. "I knew you would have a long day so i did do some. The math part was were i got stuck". That's fine have you eaten dinner? We walked into the kitchen to see James dad there. 'Oh now look who's working late'. Haha very funny Jason, walking up to him i give him a hug. Well you know i try anyway kids i don't know what you want for dinner. I would offer to make something but i am not much a cooker. So how about we order something unless James wants to make something. Because i doubt Alena does, she looks like shes going to pass out. I'm fine James and i can make dinner really quick. Getting up from the stool i pull out everything i need to make spaghetti. Come on James lets move, after this we still have the makeup work to do. With that being said James and i move in synced​. Within twenty minutes the noddles and meat where done. We were just waiting for the sauce to heat up. Setting the table i put all the food while James puts all the plates. Okay James do you know where my back pack is? "Its in the living along with that binder you got". Thank you. Taking off to the living room to work on some stuff. James make sure to watch the sauce ill be in the living room. "Okay i will". After hearing that i get to work on the assignments we missed. Ten minutes later i hear James calling me. Getting up from the floor i walk into the kitchen. To see James with the pot on the stove. Do you need anymore help James? No I'm okay go ahead and sit down ill be right out. Okay thank you with that i go to the dinner table where almost all the food is set. I sit down next to Jason where he is on his phone. How was work Jason? 'Great just a lot of work to do how was work for you'? It was good my grandpa showed me a lot hes having me organize our Christmas ball this year. 'Well that sounds amazing Alena i guess we will be seeing you there. You are going to? 'Of course Williams always invites different people from different company's'. "Its pretty boring after you gone to a couple of them". James says walking in with the sauce and placing it down. He sits right next to me. Well i hope you won't get to bored since i will be there and i would hope you will go and be my date. With that i look up and flash him a bright smile. "How can i saw no to that face. I would be honor to go with you as your date, if i remember correctly the guys have to go to. With their families i known its one of the time that their parents are actually around". Great do you know if they are going to bring dates? I think Lucas will bring Hope they been looking pretty well together. "Why don't we just ask the guys tomorrow if they want to go and ask them if they want to bring the girls as their dates". Interesting but what about Charlie? "Just invite him too if you are going to be feed to the wolves might as well have back up'. Your right thanks. With that ending we all dig into the food, half and hour later we are all full of food. Just sitting in our chairs and relaxing. Umm Jason i want to ask you a question? 'Go ahead Alena you can ask me anything'. Okay well you see i am going to be needed on Friday a lot so my grandpa wants me in the office half the day or all day. And you want me to say yes its okay if you can go. 'Well Alena i know I'm not your dad but i am glad you would come to me when you ask these questions. I think if you and James catch up on everything you missed and do all your work you two are both welcome to stay home and get everything ready for that night'. Great thank you so much and we will i promise. 'But Alena if the girls and guys do end up going and want to go out with you on Friday. They have to get permission from their parents. I cant have the school calling me up and saying both of you are bad influences'. With that being said i get up and go give him a hug. Thank you so much for everything. After our hug we break away he gives me a kiss on the forehead and leaves. Thank you for the food the both of you. Turning back around i see James staring off to space thinking. Going up to him i sit down in his lap, What are you thinking about James? How amazing you are an away we better get cleaning we still have work. Okay then well i finished the work for math but we still need to finish up our project for English. Then present it this Friday in the morning but we still have economics work so you can work on that while i can do the work for astronomy. But before we can clean up this mess together. Fine lets go get to work but after this week i am going to need a break from all of this. Well its a good thing that we have no school for winter break so we can have a mini vacation for two weeks. "Good we can go to Pairs for a week". With that being said he picks me off his lap and walks into the kitchen to clean up. I am left stunned their from what he just said. we are not going to Paris James. "That's debatable"! Brushing off for next time i start to clean the table. 
(Four Hours Later)

It's twelve and i am ready to go to bed and by the look of James so is he. Come on James lets go to bed we done enough. Throughout the four hours we managed to catch up on all of our work and even finished all of our project. Looking over at James i see he is already passed out on the couched. Going up to him i shake him awake a good ten minutes later he is awake but barely. Come on lets go with that we head up the stairs James, being to tried to carry me. Once inside i strip into some shorts and a big shirt. James dong the same but just stripping into his boxers. Finally in the bed we relax and drift off to much needed sleep.

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