Chapter 3

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Amanda's Pov:


"You are mine now Ms.Gonzales." The Creator said.

"No! I escaped! There's no way I'm back here!" I shouted. I was strapped on a table and there was alot of medical supplies around me.

"Ha Ha Ha! There is no escaping me!" He shouted. He had a mask covering his face with a needle in his hand.

"No! Please let me go! No!" I yelled.

"Goodbye...Amanda." He whispers to me. He put the needle in my arm and I screamed on the top of lungs.


~End of Dream~

"NO!" I screamed. I woke up in a cold sweat and my heart was pounding really fast. I pulled my knees to my face and I started to cry. I then heard running coming down the stairs.

"Amanda! Are you ok?!" Steven asked. I look up at Steven and started crying even more. He hugged me and I hugged back. He rubs small circles around my back and telling me everything will be ok.

"Steven?!" Kevin yelled. "What happened?!" he asked.

"I don't know. All I heard was screaming and when I came down here. I saw Amanda curled up in a ball and she was crying." he says.

"Amanda? Are you alright?" Kevin asked.

"N-No. I had a n-nightmare." I stuttered while I wipe the tears off my face.

"What was is about?" he asked.

"T-The Creator. H-He put some sort of medicine in my body." I stuttered more.

"The Creator?" he said while tilting his head to the side.

I nod. "The Creator is the reason I'm like this, and for the rest of my friends." I said. "He has a lab that's located in the forest. That's where I came from and ended up here." I said.

"Oh ok." Kevin said.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't of come here, because I'm afraid that they will hurt you if you're with me." I started to cry again.

"Hey don't cry. It's going to be ok." Kevin says hugging me.

"You don't understand do you. If they find you with me they are going to do the same thing that they did to me." I said sternly.

"That will never happen. We will keep you safe no matter what." Steven says.

I sign and nodded. "T-Thanks guys. Do you guys mind if I use the shower?" I asked.

"Yeah. Here's the clothes Steven let you borrowed, and I'll show you the shower and how to turn it on." Kevin says to me. I smile and nod following Kevin in his restroom. He showed me how to turn it on and he left me so that I can take a shower.

I stripped the ripped clothes that I had on and went in the shower. The water was just warm enough for me to relax and I can finally have an actual shower in so many years. I took the shampoo and washed my hair. I then took the conditioner and did the same thing. I washed my body after and got out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and dried myself off. I grabbed the clothes that Steven let me borrow and I put it on. It was a pair of boxers, basketball shorts and a minecraft t-shirt. The only thing that I didn't have was a bra, so I put on the bra that I was already wearing and put it on. I took the clothes that I wore and threw them in the trash. I came out of the restroom and went downstairs to the living room to see Steven and Kevin watching TV.

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