Chapter 32

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"Babe, wake up." Kevin said, shaking me slightly. I slowly open my eyes, and see Kevin with a bright smile on his face. "Hey." he says and I smile. I sat up from the bed and streatched.

"What time is it?" I asked him and I look at the clock. "It's 8AM?" I said and he nods. He sits down at the edge of the bed and kisses my cheek. I giggled and I get up from the bed, but Kevin pulls me back down. "Kevin. We have to get ready." I said.

"But I just want to stay here and relax." he says and I giggle.

"I know, but we can't." I said  and he nods. "I'm going to take a quick shower, and then we can go."

"Okay. I'll be downstairs." he says giving me a quick kiss and leaves the room. I get up from the bed and went straight to the restroom.

|After Shower|

Once I was done with my shower, I quickly got out of the restroom and got dressed. Soon there was a banding at the door, so I went and opened the door. I see Aleks standing there, and he was bleeding from his chest. "Oh my god Aleks!" I said shocked. "What happened?!" I asked him and he quickly gets in my room and locks it. "Aleks? What's going on?"

"Th-That bastard." he stuttered. "He had his guards come over here and attacked us." he says and dropped to his knees. My jaw dropped to the floor and I soon felt rage come over me.

"Are they still here?" I asked him and he shook his head, but then he passes out. "Aleks!" I shout and help him up from the floor. I lay him down on my bed and pulled the covers over him. "He will pay for what he has done you." I said. I look in my drawer and pulled out my needles. I stick the needle in my arm and took some blood out, enough so I can inject everyone with it. "I hope this works." I said softly to myself, and inject Aleks with the needle.

Once I'm done, I quickly head downstairs and see that the entire house was destroyed, and it was covered in blood. I look around and everyone was covered in blood, and I dropped to my knees. "Why would he do this?!" I screamed and I started to cry.

"A-Amanda." I look up and see Kevin holding his stomach. I crawl over to him, and sat by him. "H-Hey." he stutters and he coughs up blood. I get out my needle and tried putting it in his arm, but he stops me. "N-No." he says.

"Why not?" I asked him. "I'm not letting you die!" I yelled at him and I see a small smile on his face. "Please Kevin. I don't want to lose you." I begged him. "Not again."

"You w-will n-never lose m-me." he says and grabs my hand. "You will always h-have m-me by your s-side." he said and then he goes limb.

"Kevin? Kevin!" I screamed and I started crying, and hold him in my arms. "No. No. No." I said. "I will not lose you." I get up from the floor and started injecting everyone else with my blood. I take my needle again and inject it in my arm, and made sure it was full. "I love you Kevin, and I will not lose you." I said and inject him in his neck. I take out the needle and threw it across the room, and I got up from the floor.

I decided to call for help, so I went into the kitchen and dialed 911, and they answered on the second ring. "911. What is your emergancy?" the lady on the other end says.

"My friends, my mom, and my fiance are hurt." I cried. "Please come and help them!" I begged her. "I know who did this, and I will kill him!" I yelled.

"Alright ma'am. We will have and ambulance and a few officers there, but we don't need you to kill anybody." she says. "May I have your address please?" she asked I nod even though she couldn't see it. I gave her the address and hung up the phone. I go over to the front door and opened it wide open, so that they can come right in.

"I'll will kill him, and y'all can count on it." I said and head out the back door. Then I hear the ambulance and a few cop cars, so I quickly got out of the house and ran into the forest. I hear people inside the house. and I see that they are taking them away, so that they can live. "Now. Time to get their revenge." I said to myself and head towards the lab.

|Time Lapse|

I made it to the lab, and I see some guards outside by the door laughing. I felt my blood boil, and I soon felt rage taking over me. I get closer towards the door, but I get attacked from behind. "Get the fuck off of me!" I screamed, and I start attacking back.

*Warning: Blood/Gore/Violence*

I grabbed his arm and twisted it really hard, and it made a cracking noise. He fell to the floor and I went in his face. "You will pay for what y'all did." I said and I see a smirk on his face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." he says with a smile. I grabbed his face twisted his neck, and hear the other guards gasped. My teeth and nails started coming out and I felt my blood boil even more, but I have to be careful. I turn around and see that they have their guns pointed at me, and I raised my hands. "Giving up?" one of the guards said and I shook my head.

"Not really." I said and ran towards him. Then I jumped on his back and took a chuck out of his neck. I spit it out and rip his whole head off. "I'm just getting started." One by one, I bite and rip them apart. Limb from limb, and I also rip their stomachs open with their guts spilling out. Once I was done, my whole body was covered in blood, from top to bottom. "Get ready Mr.G, because it's your turn to die, and pay for what you have done." I said and head inside.

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