Chapter 36

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-5 Years Later-

"Amanda?" I look up and see Kelly and the girls staring at me. "Are you okay?" Kelly asked.

"A little nervous, but I'll be fine." I said and she nods. I hear the music playing, and I jump a little.

"It's time girls." Kelly says. "Go ahead and head up there." she tells them and they leave the room.

"Mommy?" I look down and see my beautiful daughter Ahri. "Are you okay?" she asked and I laugh.

"Yes sweetheart. Mommy's fine." I said and she runs into my arms. I pick her up in my arms and hugged her, and she hugs me back. "Okay. Time for my pretty flower girl to go down the aisle." I told her and put her down.

"Okay!" she said happily. "Here comes Ahri, the flower girl!" she shouts and I laugh. She runs out of the room and I was alone in the room. I pick up my bouquet of bright red roses, and stepped in front of the mirror. My dress was black and white, and its has designs to the top and bottom and around the stomach(Her's and Ahri's are matching dresses).

"Wow." I turn around and see- "You look beautiful."

"Thanks Aleks." I thanked him and he smiles.

"You ready?" he asked and I nod. He holds out his hand and I take it. I wrap my arm around his, and we head out of the room. "Nervous?" he asked and I nod. "Kevin is nervous as well." he laughs.

"I bet he is." I laughs. We both made our way to the double doors, and we stopped.

"Mommy!" I turned around and see Ahri running with her basket of flowers. She runs next to me and she holds onto my hand. "I'm ready to get married to mommy." she says and I laugh.

"But you have to throw the flowers on the floor, and then mommy has to come down the aisle." I said to her and she nods. "Okay. When the music starts playing, you go first and then me and Uncle Aleks. Okay?"

"Okay." she says and she gets in front of us. Soon enough, the music starts playing and Aleks opens the door for Ahri.

"Good ahead Ahri." Aleks said and she nods. She goes through the doors and she starts pouring flowers onto the floor. Once she was done, it was our turn. I look up and see Kevin standing there, with a big smile on his face. "Ready?" Aleks said. I took and deep breath and nod.

"Thank you Aleks." I thanked him. "I know my family aren't here, but you're like a brother to me." I said.

"And your like a sister to me." he says and I smile.

"Okay. I'm ready." I said and he nods. I look up and we head through the door. About half way, it was Kelly's turn to walk me down the aisle, so I let go of Aleks's arm and gave him a hug and he hugs back. I wrap my arm around Kelly's, and she walks me the rest of the way up to the alter.

Once on the alter, I let go of Kelly's arm and she hugs me, and I hug her back. She then lets me go and looks at me. "I'm so happy, and we can put the past behind us." she cries and I smile. She then looks at Kevin. "Please take good care of her and Ahri." she tells him and he nods.

"I promise." he says and she smiles. She takes mine's and Kevin's hand, and intertwined them together. She goes and sits down next to Ahri, but Ahri gets up and comes stand by Aleks. "Baby girl. You need to sit back down." Kevin says to her.

"But I want to get married too daddy." she tells him. "Please?" she begged him.

We all laughed. "Okay, and who do you want to get married to?" he asked her.

"To Uncle Aleks!" she says and we nod. "Yay!" she cheers and gives Aleks a hug, and he hugs her back. She holds Aleks's hand, and we get begin our wedding.

-Time Skip-

"May we have the rings please?" the priest asked us. Kelly gets up from the bleachers, and gives us the rings. She gives Kevin my ring, and she gives me Kevin's. I give my bouquet to Monica, and she holds it for me. Kevin takes my hand and I take his. "Do you Kevin? Take Amanda. To be your lovely wedded wife. To have and to hold. Til' death do you part?" he says.

I look at Kevin and see him smiles. "I do." he says and slips the ring on my finger.

"And do you Amanda? Take Kevin. To be your lovely wedded husband. To have and to hold. Til' death do you part?" he repeats again.

I smile. "I do." I said and I slip the ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife." he said. "You may now kiss the bride."

We looked in each other's eyes and smiled. He then leans towards me and I lean towards him, and we connected our lips together. We then hear cheering and clapping, and we both pull apart. "My turn now!" I hear Ahri shout and we laughed.

"Who are you getting married to?" the priest asked her.

"To my Uncle Aleks please." she says to him and he smiles.

"Of course. Come on up." he says and they both get up on the alter. Aleks kneels down, so he can be the same height as Ahri. "Do you have something to give her Mr.Marchant?" he asked him and he nods. "How about you sweetheart?" he asked Ahri and she nods. "You both can exchange with each other." he tells them.

Aleks reaches into his pocket and takes out a small red box, and opens it. He takes out a necklace that has the name 'Ahri' on it, and he puts it around her neck. Ahri reaches into her basket and takes out a homemade necklace, and she puts it around his neck. I started to cry, and Kevin holds me into his arms. "You may kiss or hug her Mr.Marchant." the priest tells him.

Aleks gives her a hug, and Ahri hugs him back. Ahri then lets him go, and she gives him a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and he gives her a kiss on the cheek as well. "Yay! I'm married, just like you mommy!" she smiles and I giggle. "Can we go have cake now?" she asked.

"We need to eat first baby girl. Then we can have cake." Kevin tell her and she nods. She comes running towards us, and runs into my arms. I pick her up and we head inside. We head into the dining room, and we sit down and eat.

|Time Lapse|

After we were done eating. "Can we have cake now mommy?" she asked me.

"Of course Ahri. Let's go cut some cake." I said and she cheers. We went to the table that has the cake, and we stand behind it. I pick up Ahri, and Kevin picks up the knife.

"The knife is sharp Ahri." Kevin tells her. "So be very careful okay?"

"Okay. Can we cut it together?" she asked and we nod. We all hold the knife in our hand, and we cut the cake. Me and Ahri let go of the knife and I put her down. Kevin cuts out a piece of cake, and gives it to Ahri. "Yay cake!" she says happily.

"Go and sit with Uncle Aleks, okay?" I said and she nods.

"Amanda?" I turn around and I get hit with a piece of cake in my face. Kevin starts laughing, and I smirked. I grab a piece of cake and hit him with it, and he stops laughing.

"Kevin." I smirked and I started laughing. He looks at me and he smiles. He leans down and licks some cake off of my face, and I do the same.

"I love you Mrs.McFarlane." he says.

"And I love you Mr.McFarlane." I said.

"To immortality." he says and raises his glass.

I smile and raise my glass. "To immortality." I said.

The End.


This is the end of this story, so I want to thank you guys for reading. For the dress that I discribed here's the link to it :

I'll talk to you guys later :3 bai bai

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