Chapter 2

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A/N: New Pov! Whoo! ~(^-^~) Enjoy! :D


Kevin's Pov:

"Oh my god!" Steven yelled. I look back and see the girl passed out on the floor while Steven is trying to wake her up. "Hey wake up!" Steven yelled trying to wake her up. I get on my knees and I pick her up bridal style and got up. I went to the couch and laid her down while Steven went upstairs to get a pillow and a blanket.

"Do you think she's going to be ok Kevin?" he asked.

"I hope so. We just got to keep an eye on her." I said while pulling the covers over her.

-A Few Hours Later-

That girl has been out for a few hours now, and me and Steven are getting worried. We were in the kitchen eating dinner since she was still sleeping. We then heard ruffling in the living room.

"Ugh. Ow...m-my head." the girl said. I go to the living room and see that she's waking up. "W-What happened?" she asked.

"You passed out." Steven says giving her a bottle of water. She opens the bottle and drinks it while making weird faces?

"Ugh. Thanks." she says thanking Steven. Steven looks at me with a confused face. "D-Do you guys h-have soda, because I really d-don't like water." she stutters.

"Yeah. What kind do you like?" I asked.

 "Dr.Pepper, but if you don't have none then Big Red." she says.

I nod and go to the fridge. Thank god we went grocery shopping before all this happened.. I open the fridge and got the soda. I close the fridge and went to the living room.

"Here you go." I say giving her the soda.

Her eyes weiden and smiles. "Oh my god thanks!" she shouts. She takes the can and opens it really quick and chugged it down. Our eyes widen and she finished drinking the soda.

"Y-You don't know h-how I miss drinkind soda. All they make me drink is water and I hate water." she says to us. She gets up and stretched making a popping noise. "Ugh. Well that felt good." she said. She looks at us and...giggles?

"Amanda." she says holding her hand out.

"What?" I asked. She chuckles and walks to me and Steven.

"My name. My name is Amanda. Amanda Gonzales. With an -s at the end." Amanda says.

"Kevin. And That's Steven." I say pointing to Steven. She looks at him and goes shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you both and thanks for saving me." she says.

"So? What are you exactly?" Steven asked. "Steven!" I shouted and making him jump. "What?! I was just asking!" he says.

Amanda giggles. "Kevin it's ok. I don't mind." I sign and nod. "I'm a Hybrid. Half human and half animal, but to be honest? I don't really know what animal instincts I have?" she explains.

We were talking for hours until she started getting tired. "Do you extra clothes I can borrow?" she asked.

"I think Steven might have something. Don't you Steven?" I asked him.

He nods. "Yeah. I'll be right back." he says getting up and going downstairs. Leaving me and Amanda in the room. Amanda comes over sitting next to me, and looking at me.

"Kevin? Can I do something?" she asked.

"Uh yeah. Go ahead." I said. "What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Give me your hands." she says. I look at her with a confused look. "Trust me Kevin." she whispers.

I looked down and took a deep breathe and nod. She grabs my hands and closed her eyes? Then the next thing I knew that the whole room went black. 'What the fuck?! What's going on?!' I thought to myself.

I keep looking around and then we were outside on top of the building. I hear running and a door swungs open. I look to see who it is and it's...Amanda? She looks over the edges and then I see guards coming from behind her. She turn around and then smiles? The she walks backwards walking off the edge and then she jumped. Right when she jumped. We were back in my living room.

I look at Amanda and she's gasping for air. I go and hug her and she hugs me back. Then I hear her starting to cry. Then I hear someone coming down the stairs.

"Ok! I'm...back?" Steven says looking confused with the clothes in his hand. "Um? What did I miss?" he asked.

"Long story." I said. He nods and sets the clothes down on the table. Then I hear light breathing. I look down and Amanda is fast asleep. I get up laying her down and putting the pillow under her head and pulling the covers over her. Me and Steven called it a night and we both went to bed.

'What just happened down there?' I thought to myself while drifing off to sleep.


\(o.o)/ Oooh Sp00ky \(o.o)/ LoL jk

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