Chapter 33

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*Warning: Blood/Gore/Violence*

I finally head inside the lab, and it was in complete darkness. I felt something in my stomach that told me to be really careful. I carefully look around the room, and then the lights turned on automatically. "Welcome Amanda." Mr.G said over the intercom. "I'm glad that you're here, because I have something to discuss with you." he says.

"What's there to talk about?!" I yelled at him, and I hear him laugh. "You send your guards over to the house, and attacked everybody!" I screamed and I clenched my fists.

"Oh yes. I told them I wanted to speak to you, but I guess your friends didn't want them inside." he says. "So, I told them to attack your friends." he laughed, and I soon felt rage taking control on me. "And do you know why I did this Ms.Gonzales?" he asked me and I put my head down.

"Y-Yes." I said in a demonic voice. "You did it, because I'm pregnant." I shot my head up and see all of his guards surrounding me. "You will pay for what you have done to them, and I'll make sure to kill each and everone of you!" I yelled and I hear them laugh. I take out my teeth and then my nalis, and my heart soon started racing really fast.

"Oh really?" he says. "We would like to see you try." he said and I started laughing. "Ms.Gonzales! What is so funny?!" he asked me and I stopped. What they don't know, is that I brought a knife with me, and I'm not afraid to use it on him. "Guards! Grab her!" he yells at them and they started charging me.

"I don't think so." I said and I jumped on one of the guard's back. I took out my knife and slashed his throat really deep, and blood started pouring out. "Let's have some fun shall we?" I said with a smirk on my face. The guard falls to the floor, and I get attacked from behind. I almost fell on my stomach, but luckly I caught myself and I stabbed the guard on the side of his stomach. He fell to his side and I stabbed him again, this time in his heart. I put the knife back in my pocket and start making my way to Mr.G, but I still had his guards attacking me.

"Open fire! I don't care if she's pregnant!" he yells at them. They take out their guns and pointed them at me. "Fire!" he shouts and they started shoot, but I did a giat leap in the air and missed the bullets. I was now on top of the ceiling, but they kept firing in my direction. I jumped back down and landed on a guard, and I pinned him down to the floor.

"Any last words?" I asked him and he started shaking. "No? Okay then. Bye, bye." I said and I dig my nails in his stomach. He screamed at the top of his lungs, and I twisted my hand. I ripped his stomach open, and blood was spilling everywhere.

|Time Laspe|

I was out of breath and my whole body was covered in blood. The whole lab started to smell irony and metallic, because of the blood. I took a deep breath and head to Mr.G's office, but then the light turned off. "Oh, so you wanna play like this?" I asked him, but it was quiet. "Fine. Have it your way asshole." I said and ran towards his office.

Once I made it to his office. I tried getting in there, but the fucker locked it. "Oh! Come on Mr.G." I said. "I want to have some fun!" I yelled through the door and I busted the door down with my foot. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" I sing out loud.

I pulled my knife out and looked around the room, and I was being really careful. Then I hear the door open from beside me, so I turned around and see that his secret lab was open. I carefully went inside, but soon got attacked. I grab their arms twisted it, making a popping noise. "Oh. I guess it's broken." I said and sliced their throat with the knife. I look up and see Mr.G standing there with a gun pointed at me, and his nurses beside him. "Are y'all having a party?" I joked and giggled.

"You better stop this Amanda." one of his nurses said. "Or he will shoot you." she said.

"Oh really?" I said and she nods. "Well then. Let's make this interesting shall we?" I take out my phone from my pocket and dialed 911.

"911. What is your emergancy?" the lady asked and I put it back in my pocket. "Hello?"

"So Mr.G?" I said and he looks at me confused. "What will happen if they found your body in front of the lab, while nailed down to it with your guts hanging out of it." I laughed.

"I need officers out in the forest!" I hear the lady yelled.

"Is that what you're going to do to me?" he asked and I nod. "Not unless I shoot, and you're unborn child will die, but you will live." he laughed and so does his nurses. Rage was boiling inside of me, so I grabbed the gun from the guards that I killed, and pointed at him and his nurses.

"Go ahead and shoot me fuckers!" I screamed at them. "I don't think you got the balls to do it!" I said walking slowly towards then, and one of the nurses pointed the gun at me and shot. I quickly doged it, and I point my gun at her, and I shot her in the head. She fell to the floor, and the other nurses started screaming. "One down, four to go." I said and started shooting them, but Mr.G hid under the table.

"Amanda stop!" he yells at me, and here something click. I walk towards his desk and sat on top of it.

"Why should I fucking stop?!" I screamed at him. "You're doing this because I'm fucking pregnant, and you attacked all my friends as well!" I yelled at him, and I was about to cry. "I had called the cops earlier to take them to the hospital, and I injected them with my blood!"

"You what?!" he screams and gets up from under the desk. I put the gun on his forehead, and he froze into place. "Please don't Amanda." he begged me and I smirked. I take the phone out of my pocket, and see that I was still in the call. "Did you call the cops?" he asked and I nod, and I showed him the phone.

"Say goodbye Mr.Greg." I said and ended the call. I slowly began to pull the trigger, and I see him pull out something shiny from his pocket. He quickly takes it out and stabs me in the stomach, and I fell off the desk. "You fucker!" I yelled while holing my stomach. I get up from the floor and I see him running towards the door. "Oh no you don't." I said and ran after him. Once I caught up, I jump on his back and took out my knife. "Burn in hell mother fucker." I said to him and stabbed him in his neck, and he fell forward. I turned him over and kept stabbing him repeatedly, until I see him lose clolor in his skin.

I get off of him, and saw the damage that I've done. His face was no more and he started turning pale. "You can't hurt me, or my family ever again." I said while holding my stomach, and walked towards the front. Once I made it, I head out the door and went straight towards the house.

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