Chapter 17

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Amanda's Pov:

It's been a few months since I've attacked the guys and left them unconcious, but I told Mr.Greg that I'll do anything just to keep them safe and forget about everything, even me. He finally agrees and gave them some sort of medicine that they will forget everything, but he said it will only take about two days that they will still be unconcious. So, today I was going to take them back to Kevin's house and make sure everything is okay. I took them one at a time, so I wouldn't hurt them going through the thick forest. I put Jordan, Nick and Seamus on the couch, Dan, Ze, and Steven on the floor, James, Aleks, and Sly in the guest room, and then finally Kevin in his room.

I made sure the whole house was clean at least, so it didn't look dirty when they woke up. I also feed Nikko plenty of food and water, and I played with him a little bit until he got tired and I set him next to Kevin. Once I'm done with everything in the house, I just stayed for a little longer until I had to leave. Before I left, it was only a few more hours until they woke up, I decided that I was going to make them something to eat. Ms.Kelly was also helping me, and she was happy that she finally gets to see the guys, but not in the condition that they're in.

"Thanks for helping me." I said to Ms.Kelly.

"No problem sweetie." she says.

"I'm just glad that they'll be safe." I said.

"I'm sure they will be happy." she says.

"I hope so." I said.

We finally finished their dinner, and we set it nice and neat on the table. Ms.Kelly left a note saying who made this and that we are their new neighbors. I looked at them one more time, and I started crying. Ms.Kelly was hugging me and was telling me that everthing will be okay, but I started crying even more.

"Shhh Amanda. They're going to be safe, and it's because you save them." she says.

"I-I know, but I'm going to m-miss them so m-much." I said crying into her shirt.

"I know you will sweetie, and I'm going to miss them too." she says calming me down. "Come on. They'll be waking up soon, and we gotta go." she said.

I let go of her and wiped the tears from my face. "Okay, but I have something for Nikko and Kevin, so I'm going to leave it in his room. I'll just jump out the window, and met you out there." I said to her.

"Okay, but just be quick." she said. I nod and head upstairs to Kevin's room. I open the door and see that their both still asleep. I closed the door and went towards his bed and sat on the edge of the bed. I took out two small boxes and put them on his nightstand, and I took out a letter that  wrote and put it in between the boxes.

"Goodbye Kevin. Be safe." I said and kissed his cheek. "Be good to Kevin Nikko, and take good care of him." I said petting his head and he starts purring. I began to cry again, so I got up from the bed and head towards the window. I opened the window and climbed out. I closed the window and jumped down and landed on my feet perfectly, and I ran towards the forest where Ms.Kelly was.

"Good news." Ms.K said with a big smile on her face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Mr.Greg bought the house next to Kevin's, and he said me and you can live in there." she says.

My mouth dropped to the floor and I started to cry again. "What?! Are you serious?! After all the things he did to me and the guys, he buys the house and let's us stay there?" I said still surprised.

"I know, but he said you can hang out with them again, but can't get to attached to him." she says.

"I'll-I'll try my best." I said.

"Okay. Let's go back and start packing up some stuff." she said. I smile and nod, and we head back to the lab and start packing our stuff.

Kevin's Pov: 


"Goodbye Kevin. Be safe." the white figure says.

"Wait! Please don't go!" I yelled back, but the figure just vanishes.

"I love you Kevin." the same voice said.

*Dream Ends*

"Kevin!" Aleks yelled from downstairs. I jump out of bed and head downstairs, and see all the guys in the kitchen just standing there.

"What's going on?!" I asked. They look at me and moved out of the way. My mouth dropped to the floor and couldn't believe what I'm seeing. There was food on top of the table and there was also a letter. I grabbed the letter and start reading it.


My name is Ms.Kelly and I'm your new neighbor, along with my daughter Amanda. We just wanted to come over and introduce ourselves, but when we got there, your door was wide open and it looked like y'all guys got attacked. So me and my daughter layed y'all down and cleaned up your house, and we also made y'all dinner. So we hope you enjoy and we can introduce ourselves again.


"What did the letter say Kevin?" Sly asked.

"We got new neighbors, and they said that they were going to introduce themselves, but they found us unconcious. So they layed us down, cleaned the house, and made us food." I said pointing to the table.

"Wow. Well I guess we can eat right?" James asked.

"Yeah I guess." I said and we all sat down and started eating.

~After Dinner~

"Wow! That was so fucking good!" Ze said holding his stomach.

"Yeah it was." I said. I look at the clock and see that it's 10PM. "Wow it's already late?" I said.

"We better head home." Jordan says. They all nod and head out the door, just leaving me and Steven by ourselves.

"We better get some sleep Steven." I said.

"Yeah. I'm getting pretty tired." Steven said. I nod and we both head upstairs and go our separt ways. I go to my bed and lay down, but something caught my eye and I looked to see what it was. There were two small boxes and a letter, one had Nikko's name on it and then one with my name on it. I opened Nikko's box first and see that there was a little charm for his collar.

I open my box next and see that there is a necklace inside of it. "What the hell?" I said. Then I remember the letter that was also on the nightstand, so I grabbed it and opened it and started reading it.


My name is Amanda, and I hope that you're okay, because me and my mom found y'all unconcious. We our your new neighbors, and I hope we can met again soon. I had bought you a necklace and I hope you like it, and I also got your cat a little charm for his collar, but I hope you don't mind. Anyways, I hope we get to met each other soon and probably hang out.

Amanda G.

I put the letter back on the nightstand and I decided to put the necklace on. I grabbed Nikko's charm that she got him and put it on his collar. He started purring and crawls into bed. I laugh and I climbed into bed as well and went to sleep.

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