Chapter 30

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~Next Morning~

I woke up to my phone ringing, so I sat up from the bed and looked for my phone. I realized that me and Kevin were still naked, so I got off of the bed and went to my closet. I just picked a random t-shirt and some shorts along with a pair of underwear. I put them on quickly and looked for my phone. I found my pants, and took my phone out of the back pocket. I answered and put it against my ear. "Hello?" I said quietly.

"Well good morning Amanda." Mr.G said. "I need you to come back to the lab right now." he says.

"Alright fine. I'm going, but just give me a few minutes." I said and I hung up the phone. I walk over to Kevin and pulled back the covers over him. I gave him a kiss on his forehead, and picked up our clothes and threw them in the hamper.

"Amanda?" I look over and see Kevin awake. "Why are you up so early?" he asked and I giggle.

"I have to go back to the lab remember?" I said and he lays back down. "I promise I'll be back later, and to suprise everyone else." I go back to my closet and took out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, along with a pair of boxers and gave them to him. "Okay. I got to go, and I'll be back later." I said and he nods.

"I love you babe." he says getting up from the bed still naked. I started to blush and I head for the window. "I love you too Kevin. Bye." I said and opened the window. I was about to jump, but Kevin pulls me back in and kisses me. I smile pass the kiss and I kissed him back. We both pull apart and we're smiling. "I had fun last night." he whispered.

"I did too." I whispered back, and he lets me go. My phone rings again and I groan. "Hello?" I said sounding a bit annoyed.

"Amanda, I need you here now!" Mr.G yells at me.

"Dude chill out. I'm going, jezz." I said and hung up the phone. "That dude needs a chill pill." I laughed and jumped out of the window. I look back up and wave goodbye to Kevin, and he waves back. I started running back into the forest, and then heading towads the lab.

|Time Lapse|

"About time you got here." Mr.G said and I rolled my eyes. "Now. I need to get a blood sample from you." he says and I nod. "Alright. Follow me." I nod and follow him into his office. I take a seat in front of his desk, and he gets two of his nurses in here. "Alright girls. I need about 3 blood samples, and then she's free to go." he says and they nod.

"Before you start, I have something to tell you." I said to him and he tilts his head to the side. "I'm moving back to the house, and you may not like that, but I don't care." I said.

"I don't mind you going back Amanda, and if that's what you want. I'm not stopping you." he says and I smile.

"Thanks. You can take my blood samples now." I said and they nod. They both took the samples from me, and they hand them to Mr.G. "Damn dude. I hardly felt a thing." I said and they laugh.

"Aright Amanda. You're free to go." he says and I nod. I head out the door and then towards my room. I went into the closet, and grabbed the backpack that I had with me the day I was mad at Kevin, and put the same stuff that I left with in it. Once I'm done, I start cleaning the room, so that they won't have to clean it. "Ms.Gonzales?" I turn around and see one of the nurses by the door way.

"Yes?" I said and she looks around the room. "Oh. I'm just cleaning the room, so that y'all won't clean it when I leave." I said and she nods.

"Before you leave. I need a urine sample from you, so here you go and just leave it on the sink." she says and I nod. She then leaves the room, and I went to the restroom. Once I did my buisness, I left the container on top of the sick, and I washed my hands. I head out of the restroom, and I grabbed my stuff. I head towards the door, but I get stopped by some of Mr.G's guards. "Not this shit again." I said.

"Where are you going Ms.Gonzales?" one of the guards asked.

"Why do you even care?" I asked him and he smirks. "Just move out of my way."

"I don't think so." the other guard said, and they grab me by my hair. "We're going to have some fun with you." he says.

"Let me go!" I screamed, and I kicked them both hard in their crotch area. They both fell to the floor and let go of my hair. "That's what you fuckers get for messing with me!" I yelled and ran out the door.

~1 Hour Later~

I made my way back to the house, and I head towards the back door. Once I made it, I see that the guys were still sleeping. I giggled and I knocked on the glass. They didn't move, so I knocked a little louder, and Sly was the one that woke up instantly. "Who the fu-" he stops and sees me. His jaw dropped to the floor and I smile. "Oh my god!" he shouts and everybody jumps up.

"What the fuck?!" James yelled. "Why are you screaming for Sly?" he asked him and he points to the door. They all look up at the door and I waved at them. They got up from the floor and ran towards the door. Once they opened the door, they all attacked me with a hug. "Oh god." I said.

"Oh my god. We've missed you so much Amanda." Steven said and I giggle.

"I missed you guys too, but can y'all let me go please." I said. "I'm kind of getting squished here." They let me go and we all head inside.

"Guys?" I look and see Ms.K standing by the stairs. "What's with all the yelling?" she asked and then she sees me. "A-Amanda?" she says and I nod. She starts crying and runs towards me, and attacks me with a hug. "Oh my god. I can't believe you're here." she cries and lets me go.

"I am and I'm staying." I said and she crys even more. My ears perk up and I hear two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs. "Damn dude." Aleks says. "What's with the-" he stops and sees me.

"No hug from you Aleks?" I asked him and he laughs. He comes towards me and he hugs me. Soon, I smell a familiar scent and I started to smile. "Shoud I also get a hug from Kevin?" I asked and I let go of Aleks, and I look over by the stairs.

"Of course." he says and I ran towards him. He hugs me tight and we stay like this for a good 5 mintues, and we both pulled apart. "Welcome home babe, or should I say? Mrs.McFarlane." he says amd I smile.

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