Chapter 8

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Aleks's Pov: 

Me, Sly and James we're just standing there in shock. 

"What?!" James yelled. His hands were balled up in fists. Oh oh.

"James calm down!" Kevin says. Amanda started crying and ran upstairs. "See what you did James! You made her cry!" he says running after her.

"Wow." Sly said still sounding surprised.

"I'll go see if she's okay." I said and they nod and I head upstairs. I knocked on Kevin's down and the door swung open. "Hey is she okay?" I asked.

He shook his head and moves from the door so I can walk in. I see Amanda and she's still crying on top of the bed. Kevin goes and sits next to her and pats her back. "Hey. Please don't cry Amanda. It's okay." he says to her. She sits up and looks at him with tears flowing down her face.

"How can it be okay Kevin?! They know my secret now! What if they call the police, and that means I have to go back to that hell hole. What if they kill me! That means I'm not going to see you again Kevin!" she yells crying even more.

"Amanda calm down!" Kevin says holding her shoulders, but she fought back. "Amanda! Stop!" Kevin yells grabbing her face and did something that I didn't see coming. He looks at her and he smacked his lips to hers. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped to the floor. I saw her kiss back and they pulled back. "Better?" he says to her. She nods and Kevin hugs her and she hugs back.

"Well ok then." I said looking at the floor. "I'm...going to go back downstairs." I said and ran out the down and head back downstairs.

"Hey. What's with the yelling? Is everything okay?" Sly asked.

"Y-Yeah. Everything is okay. She's calm down." I said and he nods. I walk up to James and grabbed his shirt.

"What the fuck Aleks?!" James shouts.

"You better not make her cry again when she comes back down here. Got it!" I warned him.

His eyes widen in surprise and he nods. I hear Sly giggle and James gave him a death glare. We hear footsteps and we see Kevin and Amanda smiling. They're hands were intertwine with each others and stopped right in front of us.

"James? I think you owe Amanda an apology." I said crossing my arms and looking at James.

"I'm-I'm sorry that I yelled Amanda." he says looking at the floor. "Can you forgive me?" he asked.

She looks at Kevin and he nods. "I forgive you James." she says with a small smile. "Kevin? Can I take off my beanie?" she asked him. 

"Yeah. Do you want me to help you with your tail?" he asked.

She nods and took off her beanie. Kevin goes behind her and takes out her tail. She had black ears and a black tail to match it.

"Whoa! Those are so cool!" Sly says jumping up and down.

"Th-Thanks." Amanda said. Kevin hugs her and kisses her cheek. She blushes and smiles. I heard Sly giggle and James snickered. Amanda gave them a death glare and they stopped. "Kevin I'm hungry." she whined pouting at Kevin.

"Aw! That's so fucking adorable!" Sly shouts making Amanda laugh.

"Okay. Let's go make dinner." he says. "Do you guys wanna stay for dinner?" he asked us.

We look at each other and we nod. Kevin nods and we all head to the kitchen.

Amanda's Pov: 

I finally told my secrect to Aleks, James and Sly. I was crying because of James, but I forgave him. We were all in the kitchen making dinner. Well me and Kevin while the guys were talking at the table. We were making Wings like last time, but we had Steven here.

"Ok. Dinner's ready!" I shouted. Kevin took the Wings to the table and I took the ranch out of the fridge and put it on the table.

"This looks good." James said. They grab plates and started eating. "Wow! This ranch is amazing!" Sly says.

"Thanks. My mom showed me how to make it when I was little, before all of this happened." I said pointing to my ears and tail.

"I'm so sorry." he says getting up and giving me a hug.

"It's ok. I just hope that they're safe." I said sitting down.

"I'm sure they are." Kevin says holding my hand. I smile and nod.

~After Dinner~ 

"I'm so full!" James said getting up and putting his plate in the sink.

"Yeah. Me too." said Sly doing the same as James.

"That was good guys." Aleks said.

"Thanks dude." Kevin said. I get up and put my plate in the sink. I turn on the water and start washing the dishes. "You don't have to wash the dishes Amanda." Kevin said.

I shook my head and kept washing the dishes. "I want to Kevin." I said to him finishing the last of the dishes and turning off the water. "Done." I said.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I turn around and see Kevin smiling, and he kisses my forehead. I blush and smile. I hear laughing and I see that the guys are smiling. I felt my cheeks getting warm and I got out of Kevins grasp. He frowns, but I give him a kiss on his nose. He laughs and goes to the living room.

"So? When did this happen?" Sly said pointing at both of us. I put my head down not wanting to answer.

I hear Kevin laugh. "I started having feelings for her after a few days when she came here when she escaped." he starts. "One night we were arguing because she didn't want me sleep on the couch, and when she was changing I went to the living room and was about to go to sleep . Then out of nowhere she jumps on me and I tackled her to the floor, and that's when I kissed her and told her that I loved her." he finished saying.

"Aw! That is so cute!" Sly says jumping up and down. My face was burning and I started smiling, but then tears stared flowing down my face.

"Oh my gosh! Amanda! Are you okay?!" Sly asked sitting next to me.

"Please excuse me. I'm gunna go to the restroom really quick." I said getting up and running to the restroom and closing it and then locking it.

Then I hear footsteps running up the stairs. "Amanda! Please open the door!" Kevin says knocking on the door. I unlocked the door and Kevin bursted in the door and hugged me. I started crying even more. "Amanda? Tell me what's wrong?" he asked wiping my tears from my face.

"I'm just happy that someone like you would love me. Even though I'm like this." I said pointing to my ears and tail.

"I'll always love you know matter what you are." he says. He picks my head up and smiles. He leans in and kisses me. I smile pass the kiss and kiss back. He puts his hands around my waist and I put my hands around his neck. The kiss was getting heated, but we knew that we had to stop and go back downstairs becuase of the guys. We finally pull back and we were breathing hard. "I think we should go back down there." he says.

I smile. "Yeah." I said. He grabs my hand and locks his fingers with mine and we headed downstairs. "Sorry guys." I apologized.

Sly comes running towards me and hugs me tight. "It's okay Amanda. We are glad that you're okay." he says. "Group hug!" Sly shouts and everybody was hugging me.

"I can't breathe." I said trying to catch me breathe. They stop hugging me and said sorry. "It's okay." I said.

"Amanda?" Kevin says. I look at Kevin and smile.

"Yes Kevin." I said looking into his eyes.

"Will you...will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. Sly started screaming and James along with Aleks told him to be quite.

I started crying...again. I shook my head and ran into Kevin's arms. "Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend!" I cried putting my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and hugs me tight. 'I can't believe this is happening!' I thought to myself.

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