Chapter 24

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Kevin's Pov:

All the girls went up to Amanda's room to go cut her hair. Me and the guys are in the living room watching TV. Eddie was just flipping through channels, but there was nothing to watch. I get up from the couch and head to the kitchen, and I decided to make us something to eat. "Eddie!" I shout.

"Yeah!" he shouts back.

"Can you help me in the kitchen please?" I asked him. I hear him get up from the floor and he comes in the kitchen.

"Sure." he says. "What do you need?" he asked me.

"Would you help me make dinner?" I asked him and he nods. "Thanks Eddie." I thanked him. We decided to make something simple, so we made sandwiches. "Guys! Come and eat!" I yelled for them. They all came in the kitchen and started grabbing sandwiches and some sodas. "Can someone call the girls?" I asked them.

"We're done Kevin." We all turn around and see the girls standing there by the stairway. "Amanda. You can come down now." Monica says to her. The girls move aside and Amanda comes down the stairs. "So? What do y'all guys think?" Monica asked us.

Amanda's Pov:

"Wow." Sly said. "It looks great Amanda."

"Yeah. It looks really good on you." James says.

I smile. "Thanks guys." I thanked them. "I'm going to head outside really quick. I want to get some air." I said to them and they nod. I head to the back door and went outside, and climbed on the roof. I hear the door open and I looked down to see Kevin.

"Amanda?" he says wondering where I am. "Amanda where are you?"

"Up here." I said and he looks up. "Wanna come up?" I asked him and he shook his head. I nod and climbed back down from the roof. "So? What do you think of my hair Kevin?" I asked him.

"It looks good." he says and hugs me, and I hug back. "I just have on question to ask you."

I look up at him. "And that question is?" I asked him. He lets me go and gets down on one knee, and then takes out a small red velvet box. My jaw dropped to the floor and I started to cry. "K-Kevin?"

"Amanda." he starts. "I want to spend my entire life with you." he says and then opens the small box. He takes out the ring and holds my hand. "Amanda? Will you marry me?" he asked me and I smile.

"Y-Yes!" I shout and he smiles. He slips the ring on my finger and hugs me, and I hug back. He lets me go and he begins to kiss me. I smile through the kiss and kissed him back. We hear the back door open and everyone was cheering. We break apart and we get attacked by everyone hugging us.

Kevin's Pov:

"Congrats to the both of you." Eddie says.

"Thanks Eddie." I thanked him. I look over to Amanda and she was smiling while looking at her ring. The ring had a black gem in the middle with small red diamonds around it. Amanda looks up at me and she smiles, and I smile back.

"I love the ring Amanda." Ali says.

"Thanks Ali." Amanda thanked her. Amanda then starts yawning and then came towards me. "Kevin? I'm gunna head to bed." She says and I nod. "It was nice meeting y'all." She says to the girls and heads to her room.

"Yeah. We should get going to." Jordan says and we all nod. Once they all leave, I head up to Amanda's room and find her fast asleep. I went to the bathroom and I quickly changed my clothes that I can sleep in. Once I'm done, I head out of the bathroom and head for bed. I laid down next to Amanda and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Goodnight Amanda." I said softly. "I love you."

"I love you too Kevin." She says. I look down and see that she's awake. "You didn't think I was actually asleep did you?" I nod and she giggles. She snuggles into me and wrapped her tail around me. "This is the happiest day of my life Kevin. Thank you." she says and I smile.

"Your welcome." I said. "Now let's get some sleep." she nods and we both head to bed.

Amanda's Pov:

~Next Morning~

Me and Kevin were in the kitchen making breakfast, and we were going to tell Ms.Kelly the great news. "I'm so nervous Kevin." I said to him and he hugs me.

"It's fine Amanda. I'm sure she'll be happy." he says to me and I nod. An hour passed by and Ms.Kelly finally came downstairs. "Kelly? We have something to tell you." he says to her.

"What is it?" she asked. "Did something happened?" I hold up my hand and we hear she gasped, and then started to cry. "Oh my god!" she screamed. "When did you proposed?" she asked us.

"Yesterday night." Kevin says. She hugged me and then Kevin and congradulated us. "When can we plan the wedding?" Kevin asked.

"We can start first thing tomorrow morning or in the afternoon." she says and we nod.

"We can start the guest list." Kevin says and she nods. We sit down in the living room and get started on the list. "It can just be us and the guys." we nod and wrote down their names.

"Great. I can buy the invintations today, and we can call everybody to help out." we nod and we get ready for today. Once we got ready, me and Kevin sit in the living room and watched some TV, and Kelly went to go get the invintations. Then Kevin's phone started to ring and he answered it. "Hello?" he says.

"Hey mom."

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