Chapter 21

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Amanda's Pov:

"Amanda! Wake up!" Kevin yells from downstairs. "Don't make me drag you out of bed!" he warns me.

"Ugh. I'm up!" I yelled back to him. I get up from my bed and stretched. My back then made a popping noise and I was relax. "Well that was nice." I said to myself. I took out my tail from my shorts and pop my ears out. I look in the mirror and see how long my hair is getting. "Jeez. I really need a haircut." I grabbed a rubber band and put my hair up in a pony tail.

"What the fuck?" I said looking at my neck. There was a mark on it that kind of look like a tattoo. It had a black skull with red eyes on it, and there was fire around it. "Shit. I have to tell Kelly about this." I said to myself and went downstairs. "Ms.Kelly?" I said.

"Hey Amanda." she said. "What's wrong?" she asked looking worried. I showed her my neck and she gasped. "Amanda? When did this happened?" she asked.

"I don't know. I just saw this a few seconds ago before I came down here." I told her. Then I start feeling it burn my neck and I screamed in pain. "F-Fuck! It's bur-burning me!" I shout holding my neck. I hear running down the stairs and it was Kevin.

"What's going on?" he asked. I showed him the mark and he was shocked. "What the fuck?!" he shouts. "When did you get this?" he asked.

"I-I don't know, but right it's burning m-me." I stuttered and then I fell on my knees, and gasping for air. "Wh-What's happening t-t-to m-me." I stuttered more and Kevin came beside me.

"Kelly what's happening to her?" he asked her.

"I don't know. I've never seen that mark before." she says to him. I felt really dizzy and then I started throwing up all over the floor. "Amanda!" Kelly yelled.

"S-Sorry. I just, couldn't control it. Where's, the kitchen knife?" I asked still gasping for air.

"Wait. Why do you need it for?" she asked. I clenched my teeth together and shot up from the floor, and went into the kitchen to find the kitchen knife. "Amanda stop! What are you doing?" she asked, but I ignore her and ran out the back door and into the forest. "Amanda!" I hear Ms.K yell.

|Time Lapse|

I ran for what seems like forever and finally found the lab. "Man. I forgot how far the lab was." I said to myself. I still had the knife in my hand and was breathing heavily. "I need to get in better shape." I put the knife in my back pocket and went towards the lab entrance. I took a deep breath and went inside, but once I got inside I was attacked from behind.

"What's with all the comotion?" Mr.Greg said. Once he sees me, he starts smiling and told his guards to let me go. "Welcome back Amanda." he says. "What brings you here?" he asked.

"This!" I yelled picking up my hair and then pointing to my neck, and his eyes went big. "What the fuck is this?!" I asked him. He got closer to me and examined it.

"Could it be?" he asked himself. "Come with me." he says to me. I gave him a confused look, but I nod and we went to his office. Once we were in his office, he looks through a bunch of books and files. "Yes! It is the mark!" he shouts while spreading out books and papers.

"The Mark?" I asked and he nods. "Well what does it mean then?" I asked him and he laughs.

"The mark that you have on your neck is something very special." he explains. "Out of everybody, you're the only that got it, and it's the first." he says.

"Okay, but what the fuck does it mean?!" I yelled at him, but then I started to feel it burn and it's even worse. "Fuck!" I screamed and fell to my knees.

"Is it burning?" he asked and I shook my head. He starts smiling even more and looks through the papers again. "Okay. It says that if it starts burning, that means it's going in full effect." he explains.

"But what does the mark mean?!" I screamed at him.

"You can turn other people immortal by biting them or giving them your blood by injection, but they can't turn into hybrids like you." he starts. "Then they will have the same abilities as you, and the same mark but in different colors." he explains.

"What?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I said and the burning got even worse. "Ahhhh!" I screamed on the top of my lungs and then passed out.

Kevin's Pov:

"Amanda!" Kelly yelled, but Amanda was already gone. "Amanda." she said softly and dropped to her knees. I ran by her side and helped her up, and I moved her to the couch in the living room. "We have to go after her Kevin." she says.

"How are we going to-" I stopped myself and realized on where she went. "The lab!" I shout.

"What?" Kelly said.

"She probably went to the lab." I told her.

"That's it!" she shouts and got up from the couch. "Mr.Greg may know what the mark is on her neck." she says and I nod.

"Let me call the guys on Skype and we will all go." I sad and she nods. I went upstairs to get my laptop from Amanda's room, but once I went near her restroom, there was a strange smell coming from the bottom. It smelled irony and metallic, just like the smell of...blood? I opened the door and I see a small pool of blood on the floor by the tub. "Kelly!" I yelled.

Then I hear her running up the stairs and then stopping behind me. "What is it Kevin?" she asked. I point to the pool of blood and she gasped and went closer to the blood. "No. She couldn't of done this. Could she?" she asked herself. She shot up from the floor and went to the cabinet and looked inside of it. There she finds a razor blade and it was clean, but she knew that Amanda used it. "Why would she do that!" she screamed and fell to the floor.

"Come on Kelly." I said going to her and picking her up. "I'm taking you to your room so you can rest, and I'll call the guys." I said to her and she nods. She puts the razor blade back and I took her to her room and laid her down. "There. Now get some sleep." I said and she nods. I walk out of her room and closed the door behind me, and I went into Amanda's room. I got out my laptop and pulled up Skype, and called the guys to come over. "Please be safe Amanda." I said to myself.

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