Chapter 13

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A/N: I'm going to do my pov in the beginning, but it's going to be short. Maybe about 2 or 3 paragraphs. 


Amanda's Pov: 

It's been a whole year...a year! And I knew the guys wouldn't come, because they couldn't take the risk on being killed and I understand. What's been going on with me you ask? The Creator has been doing the same things to me since he brought me back here. He keeps giving me these shots that improve my fighting abilities, and also having me fight even bigger animals. The only good thing he allowed me to do was walk to Kevin's house, but not to close and then back. When I go on my walks he has to have the guards watch me, so that I won't escape. I miss the guys so much, and I still love Kevin with all my heart, but I'm never going to see him again.

Today The Creator wanted to talk to me about something, but I can care less on what he's going to tell me. The guards took me out of the cage and handcuff me, so I won't go nowhere. They took me to the fighting arena and uncuff me, but something tells me that this isn't going to be good. I sat on the floor and did my meditation, so I can relieve some stress. I hear the gate open, but I kept my eyes closed and I knew it was The Creator, so I didn't bother getting up from the floor.

"Good morning Amanda." he says.

"Sup asshat." I said with a smile on my face. Then I felt him slap me across the face which is nothing new, because this is a daily thing. "Fuck." I said holding my cheek.

"Now that I have your attention." he says. "The news reporters are coming to see you tomorrow." he says with a smirk on his face.

"What?!" I shout getting up from the floor. "You're going to show the entire world what I really am?" I asked.

"Yes! I've been planning this since we brought you back." he laughs. I can't believe this shit. The whole fucking world is going to see what I am, and what if he gives me to the government. That means more fucking experiments. "Take her back to her cage! Tomorrow is going to be a big day!" he walks off. The guards handcuff me again and took me to my cage.

~Next Day~ 

Kevin's Pov: 

"Kevin! Breakfast is ready!" Sly yelled. Him and Aleks had spend the night, because they wanted to hang out today.

"I'm going!" I yelled back. I get up from the couch and head to the kitchen. "Mmm. It smells good Sly." I said.

"Thanks. Aleks! Get you butt down here!" Sly yelled at Aleks.

"I'm coming!" he says.

"That's what she said!" Sly giggled. Both of us burst into laughter and Aleks finally came downstairs.

"Ha.Ha. Very funny." he says and sat down at the table. Sly made us over easy eggs, potatos, bacon, and pancakes. We ate in silence until there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get." I said getting up from the table and head towards the door. I open the door and see a man in a suite. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes. Are you Kevin McFarlane?" the man asked.

"Um...yeah." I said.

"Oh good. Here you go." he gave me a package with an envalope. "My boss invites you and your friends to an event this afternoon." he says with a smirk on his face.

"O-kay? Um...thanks." I said and the man leaves. I closed the door and go back to the kitchen.

"Who was that Kevin?" Aleks asked.

"I don't know some guy that gave me this." I hold up the package and the envalope.

"Did you see what's inside?" Sly asked.

"No. Not yet, but I'll open it after we eat." they nod and we started eating.

~After Breakfast~ 

 "Ok Kevin. Open the package, so we can see what's inside." Sly says.

"Alright. Aleks can open the envalope, and I'll open the package." I said.

He nods and I hand him the envalope and he opens it. I went to go get a knife, so I can open the package, but Aleks was screaming for me. I ran back to the living room and his eyes were wide.

"What happened Aleks?" I asked. He gives me the envalope and the pictures that came in it. I looked at them and I couldn't believe what I'm seeing. "A-Amanda?" I said. It was Amanda, and she was tied up to a gurney and she had multiple stab wounds in her stomach. In the other picture, she didn't have any stab wounds. "What the fuck?!" I yelled.

"Kevin. Check what's in the package." Sly said. I nod and I ripped the damn package open. There was a charm bracelet that had her name on it, and there was a letter at the bottom from her. I took out the letter and read it.


I'm so glad that you and the guys are safe, because I wouldn't live with myself if you or any of the guys get killed. No matter what happenes to me, just remember that I will always love you, and I'm happy that I've met you and the guys. The charm bracelet that you have is the one that my mom had given me before I was taken away, and I wanted you to have it. Before I finsh this letter there is one more thing you should know. The Creator is going to show me to the entire world, and see what I really am, and I'm afraid. Anyways, goodbye Kevin and stay safe and tell the guys that I miss them. I love you!


I fell on my knees and broke down crying. Aleks and Sly came towards me and tried to pick me up from the floor, but I told them to leave me alone. They back off and went to the kitchen. That bastard will pay for this, and I'm going to kill him. Wait?! She said in the letter that he's going to show her to the entire world? I got up from the floor and went to the kitchen where Aleks and Sly were.

"Guys! Amanda is going to be seen!" I shouted at them.

"What?! What do you mean Kevin?" Aleks asked.

"That bastard is going to show her to the entire world!" I said. "And we have to do something."

"Okay! I'll tell the guys and we'll think of something." Sly said. We nod and we go get ready to go to the office, and plan for Amanda's escape. 'Don't worry Amanda. We will save you.'

The Immortal HybridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora