Chapter 6

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??? Pov: 

"Son of a BITCH!" I yelled. "Did any of you find her yet?!" I snapped at my guards.

"N-No sir. We lost her trail, but we did ask people around the neighbor hood if they saw her." One of my guards said.

"Well?! What did they say?!" I said.

"Th-That they didn't see her." he said. My blood started to boil of rage.

"FUCK!" I shouted. "I will find you Amanda, and when I do. You will regret everything for your family's sake." I laughed.

Amanda's Pov: 

"That ranch was good Amanda." Steven said.

"Yeah. That's was awesome." Aleks says.

I smile. "Thanks guys. Well I'm getting sleepy." I said getting up from the table and putting my plate in the sink and washing it.

"Yeah me to." Kevin yawns.

"Well I should be going. I'll see yu guys later. It was nice meeting you Amanda." Aleks says gving me a hug.

I hug back and smile. "It was nice meeting you to Aleks." I said.

"Ok. Bye guys." he says.

"Bye!" we say together. He waves and walks out the door. We hear his car drive away and we head off to bed. We say our goodnights and went separt ways. Well...I have to sleep in Kevin's bed, because he says he'll sleep on the couch which I keep refusing.

"Kevin please don't sleep on the couch. You're going to hurt you back again." I said.

"It's fine. I don't mind. I've slept on the couch before, so don't worry." he says. He goes to the door but I got up and blocked him from leaving. "Amanda please move." he demands.

"No. I am not moving, and there's nothing you can do about it." I said crossing my arms.

He chuckles and the next I know that I was being picked up and got thrown on top of the bed being tickled by Kevin.

"K-Kevin p-please st-stop." I laugh trying to make him stop.

"Why would I do that? This is fun." he continues to tickle me. After a few minutes of him tickling me, he stops and helps me up. I was catching my breathe while wipping the tears from my face.

"God damn it." I whispered. I was holding my stomach and took a deep breathe. "Ok. I...I think I'm good." I said.

Kevin laughs and hugs me and I hug back. "Sorry." He apoligizes.

I look up into his eyes and smile. "It's ok Kevin, but please don't sleep on the couch." I begged him. "I don't want you to get hurt again. Please." I gave my puppy eyes. Who can resist those?

He chuckels. "Ok fine. You win. I'll lay down with you. Just because I can't say no to those cute eyes of yours." he says. I felt my cheeks blush and I pulled him towards the bed.

"I'm going to change really quick." I said getting off the bed and grabbing a pairs of pajama pants and shirt. He nods I went to go change in the restroom. I took off my shorts and my shirt and put my pj's on and my shirt. I put my clothes in the hamper and went back to Kevin's room.

I opened the door and see that Kevin wasn't in the room. "God damn it Kevin." I said to myself. I close my eyes and listened to where he is. Bingo! I go to the living room and I see Kevin laying down on the couch. I can tell he's still awake and I tip toe towards him. I climb the wall and then I jumped on his lap making him jump up. He looks at me and I started laughing. "Are you...le mad?" I said.

He scoffs and started to tackle me to the floor. I was laying on my back and he was hovering over me. We looked into each others eyes and I can feel my face getting hot. He smiles and he starts leaning towards me. Our faces were inches apart and I started leaning towards him filling in the gap. Our lips connected and we moved in sync. Why is this happening? This shouldn't be happening. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he put his hand around my waist. We finally pulled apart and we were out of breathe. We smile and got up from the floor. Kevin picks me up bridal style and we went back to his room.

"Ready for bed?" Kevin asked.

I nod. "Cuddle with me?" I asked.

He nods and got in bed with me. I curled up to him wrapping my tail around my waist and my arms around his waist. My face was buried in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Goodnight Amanda." he says kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight Kevin." I say drifting to sleep while listening to his heartbeats.

Kevin's Pov: 

I can't believe we kissed. I really liked it and I think I'm having feelings for her. She cuddles in my arms and I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Goodnight Amanda." I said kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight Kevin." she says before falling to sleep.

I sign and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

~Next Morning~ 

I woke up and looked at the clock. '8:45AM'. I tried to get up but something was holding me back. I look down and I saw Amanda curled up in my chest and asleep. The memories of last night started to come back and I smiled. I like her alot, but I don't know what I'm going to do.

"Kevin? Why are you awake?" Amanda said. Well I guess she's awake. She stirs and looks up at me. She smiles and cuddles more into me.

I chuckle and hug her. "I just woke up, and I've been watching you sleep until now." I smile.

"Oh ok. Well can we have breakfast then?" she asked with a smile.

I nod "Sure. Come on." I said. We both got up and went to the kitchen. "How about some pancakes?" I asked.

"Yes!" she says happily and her tail started to move from side to side.

I got out the milk, eggs and pancake mix. I mixed the batter and started making the pancakes. I felt a pair of arms snake around me and I saw it was Amanda. I flipped the pancakes and then put them on a plate. Amanda let go of me and grabbed a plate, and I did the same. We sat there and ate our pancakes in silence. Once we were done, I put our plates in the sink and washed them.

I turn around and see that Amanda wasn't there. "Amanda?" I called out. Nothing. I go to the living room and see Amanda standing in front of the sliding door. I walk up to her and I snake my arms around her waist. "Kevin?" she says.

"Hm." I hummed.

"Do you like me?" she asked.

"Of course I do." I said the truth. I do like her, but I think I...I love her.

She turns around and her eyes were glossy. "How much do you like me Kevin?" she says looking into my eyes. She looks like she was about to cry. "Tell me Kevin. Please." she begged.

"I really like you alot, but instead of liking you. I think I...I think I love you Amanda." I said.

Her eyes were getting watery and she started to cry. "Th-Thank you K-Kevin." she says hugging me and I hug back.

I lift her chin up and I looked into her eyes. I smile and I leaned into her and kissed her. She kisses back and stops crying. We pull back and we just stand there holding each other. I do love her, and I always will. I will protect her no matter what. If they come and find her. I will not let them take her away. I will do everything to keep her safe.


Sup dudes :} how's it going? Can you guess what Pov was at the begining? No? Ok I'll tell you. It's.....'The Creator'. Yes! The Creator got a Pov and it was short I know...I'm sorry. Well I'm gunna go and write Chapter 7 :D see you guys later!

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