Chapter 28

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Aleks's Pov:

It's been a week since Amanda had left the house and Kevin had been crying, so we decided to stay here for a couple of days. "Kevin come on. You've been in there all week." Eddie said trying to get Kevin out of Amanda's room. "Kevin. Please come out of her room." Eddie begged him.

"No! I am not leaving this room, so y'all can leave me alone!" Kevin yelled. I put my hand on Sly's shoulder and he looks back at me. I shook my head and he gives up and goes downstairs. "I miss you Amanda. Please come back." I hear Kevin said to himself.

I knock on the door, but he didn't answer. "Kevin. Dinner is almost ready, and I can bring you a plate up here if you want?" I asked him, but he didn't answer me. I sigh. "Alright fine. Don't talk, but you got to eat sometime." I said to him and went downstairs. I head into the living room and sat down on the couch next to James and Sly.

"Hey. How did it go?" James asked. "Is he still not budging?" I shook my head and he nods. "We have to get him out of there, because we don't know if he's going to hurt himself or not." he says and I nod. Soon my phone started buzzing, and I took it out to see who it is. I look at the caller ID, but it was an unknown number that I didn't recognized. "Who is it Aleks?" James asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." I said to him and I answered the phone. "Hello?" I said. "Who is this?" I asked.

"Привет(Hi)." a familiar voice said. "Как ты(How you been)?" she asked.

"Аманда(Amanda)?" I said and I hear her giggle. "Это действительно вы(It really is you)." the guys look at me confused, so I got up and went out the back door. "Where are you at?" I asked her.

"Look ahead of you." she says, so I look up and I see her standing there. "Care to join me?" she asked and I nod. "Great, but just don't get caught." she says and she hangs up. I put my phone back in my pocket and head back inside.

"Aleks?" I look up and see Sly. "Who were you talking to?" he asked.

"Oh. A friend of mine back home." I partially lied and he nods. "Well, I'm gunna go head upstairs and get ready." I said to them and they nod. Then I was half way up the stairs, until my phone started buzzing again. I took out my phone and see it was a text message from the same unknown number. I open the text message and see it was Amanda.

'Hey. Come out like around 10PM, but make sure you come alone.' -Amanda

'Okay, I will. See you later.' -Me

Once I send the message, I head up to the guest bedroom that me and Eddie share, and start getting ready for tonight.

Amanda's Pov: 

I sigh and stayed there for a good 10 minutes, until I went towards the house and left them a package by the back door. I see the guys watching TV in the living room, but Kevin wasn't there neither was Aleks. 'Maybe he's getting ready.' I thought to myself. I tapped on the door and I guess Jordan was the only one that heard it, because he looked up and his jaw dropped to the floor. I put my finger over my lips and he nods, and I wave him a goodbye and he smiles. Then I jumped onto the roof and went towards my bedroom window. I peak through the window and see Kevin sleeping, and tears were running down his face.

"I'm so sorry Kevin." I whispered softly. "I love you." I said and jumped off the roof and ran back into the forest. I look at my phone, and I still had time to go back to the lab and then back here. I put my phone back in my pocket and ran back to the lab. It took me 10 minutes to get to the lab, so I head inside and ran into my room. I quickly took off my clothes and head in the shower. Once I was done, I quickly look through my closet and pick out a t-shirt with fire designs on it alnog with skinny jeans, and I put them on.

"Amanda!" Mr.Greg shouts, and then comes in my room. "Oh. Where are you going?" he asked.

"Um. To go see the guys." I said. "Look. I know it's bad for me already, but I'm just going to go talk to Aleks about Kevin." I explained to him.

He sighs and nods. "Alright, but make sure you come back before midnight." he says and I nod. "Okay, but make sure you take the meds I gave you." he says.

"Okay. Well I got to go, and I'll see you later." I said and grabbed my phone. I head out of the room, and ran outside into the forest.

|Time Lapse|

I made it to the house, and I was on top of the roof. Soon, my phone started ringing, so I took it out and answered it. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey. Everyone is asleep, except for Kevin." Aleks says. "So I'm kind of stuck here."

"Is Kevin in my room still?" I asked him.

"Yeah he is, and he's watching TV." he said.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to come inside and suprise everyone." I said and hung up the phone. I got up and jumped off the roof. I look through the window and see the guys sleeping on the floor, except for Aleks. I tap on the glass lightly and Aleks looks up and sees me. He smiles and gets up from the couch and opens the back door for me. "Hey." I said and hug him, and he hugs back.

"Hey. Welcome back." he says and lets me go. I smile and nod. "Do you want to suprise Kevin or the guys first?" he asked me.

"Kevin." I said and he nods. "But I'm going through the window." I said and went back outside and onto the roof. I climb next to my window and wait there, but I see Kevin watching TV and he was crying. Then there was a knock at the door, so Kevin got up from the bed and answered the door.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Aleks asked him and he shook his head. Aleks gave him a hug and Kevin hugged him back. "It's okay Kevin. She'll be back soon, I promise." he says to him.

"You don't get it do you." Kevin says. "She's never coming back Aleks."

"Really? Well, I have someone that loves to met you." he says. He lets go of Kevin and comes towards the window and opens it. "Hey. You can come in now." he tells me and I nod. He moves back and I jump in the window.

"A-Amanda?" he says. I smile and nod. He attacks me with a hug and then a kiss. I smile pass the kiss and pulled back.

"I'm home."

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