Chapter 22

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Amanda's Pov:

"Where is she!" someone yelled. I began to open my eyes and started looking around to see where I was. "You better tell me where she is?!" the same voice said. I get up and saw that I was in a recovery room. "Amanda!" My eyes shot wide open and my ears popped up.

"Kevin?" I said. I got out of bed, but there were IV's in my arm and I scream in pain. "Ahh!" I screamed and laid back down on the bed.

"Amanda!" Kevin yelled. I heard multiple footsteps, so I know it was more than one person. Then they began running through the hall and then stopped at the door. "Oh my god! Amanda!" Kevin yells and ran by my side. "Thank god you're alright." he says to me and hugs me, but I groan in pain.

"Kevin. My arms...they hurt." I said to him and he backs off.

"Sorry." he apologized and holds my hand.

"It's okay Kevin." I said to him. "It's not your fault." I tried sitting up, but I was just to weak and tired. I hear whispering by the door, but I didn't see anybody there. "Guys. I can hear you whispering. You do remember I have ears right?" I asked them. Steven was the first one to come into the room, and then the rest of the guys came in. "Hey guys." I said.

"Hey." they said together and I smiled. They came and gave me a hug, but they were really carefull about my arms. I looked around for Ms.Kelly, but she wasn't here.

"Where's Ms.K at?" I asked them. They all looked at the floor and I gave them a confused look. "Where is she?" I asked them again.

"She's at home resting." Kevin says and I sigh in relief. "I told her to stay home, because we found something in the bathroom in your room." he says.

I froze into place. "W-What did y-you find?" I stuttered.

He takes a deep breath and then looks at me. "We found a small pool of blood on the floor." he says and I started to cry. "Why did you do it Amanda?" he asked me still holding my hand, but I let go of his hand. I sit up from the bed and looked at him.

"I did it because-" I stopped myself and took a deep breath and continued. "I didn't want to live anymore, but I knew I couldn't because I'm immortal." I said. "So, I decided to cut myself using a razor blade that I had in the restroom." I explained to him.

"Well I see that you're awake." we all look up and see Mr.Greg at the door way. I nod and I started sneezing out of nowhere, and my nose started bleeding. "Here." he says holding a tissue in his hand, so I took it and wiped my nose. "Nurse!" he shouts.

"Yes sir!" his nurse said coming in the room.

"You can unhook her from the IV's, and they can head on home." he says to her.

She smiles and nods. "Yes sir." she says and then unhooks me from the IV's. "There you go Amanda." she said to me. "Make sure you take these everyday, so your arm won't hurt." she said and gives me some medicine. I nod and took them from her, and she walks out of the room.

"Amanda?" I turn around and see Aleks right behind me. "Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Let's just go home. I want some sleep." I said to him and they nod. We head out the room and then towards the main entrance. James and Aleks both opened the door and we started walking back home.

|Time Lapse|

Once we got back to the house. I ran inside and head up to my room and locked it. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, but I just ignore them and laid down on my bed. I took off my shorts, my shirt, and my shoes, so I was just in a bra and underwear. Then there was knocking at my door, so I went towards my door and opened it. I see Jordan standing there and his eyes just went really big.

"What do you want Jordan?" he asked him sternly. "I want to get some sleep."

"Um...K-Kevin wants t-to talk t-to y-you." he stutters and keeps staring at me.

I snapped my fingers in front of him. "Earth to Jordan." I said and he blinked a few times. "What does he want to talk about?" I asked him and he just shrugs and leaves. I sigh and head downstairs. "Kevin?" I said.

"Living room!" he yells. I walk in the living room and the guys were watching TV.

"What do you want Kevin?" I asked him. They all turned around and were surprised that I wasn't wearing any clothes. "Are y'all going to keep staring at me or can I just go to my room and sleep?" I asked them. I just roll my eyes and head back upstairs to my room.

"Amanda wait!" Kevin shouts and I stop. He grabs my hand and takes me to my room, and he locks the door.

"Kevin I want some sleep. I don't have time for this." I said to him and laid down on my bed. I felt my bed shift, so I knew it was Kevin. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I soon fell fast asleep.

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