He turned away from his son and the doctor, not wanting either of them to see him at his weakest, as he walked down the hall a short distance from the room that held his life and sat down in one of the chairs against the wall before putting his head in his hands.

He always messes up. He messed up with Rhyvos's mother, he messed up his and Rhyv's relationship and now .... now he messed up his chance to be happy with the one girl he believed could give him the one thing he's always wished for. Does he deserve it? He thought so. There's many things he's done throughout his life time that he's not pleased about and this all could be warranted. 

He ran his hands through his hair and sat back in his chair looking up at the ceiling.

His Rose. How much more does she have to go through? He hasn't prayed since he was a young man but at that precise moment he wanted to get on his knees and pray to a god that he felt forsaken him long ago. He wanted to pray for his love to find happiness once again. He wanted to pray that she would be alright in time and that she will get her happily ever after. He wanted to secretly pray that it would be with him but if it wasn't...

He sighed.

If it wasn't .... then that's what was meant to be. He would have to let her go and love her from afar. It would completely destroy him inside but .... he would do it. For her. His love. His Rose.

He brought his hand up to his heart that felt as if it was already aching from loss.

"My baby"

Rosaline opened her eyes to the sound of her mothers teary voice and squinted at the harsh bright light that assaulted her. She squeezed her eyes shut before opening them once again to see that the lights were now off and replaced by the calming light of the two lamps on each side of her. She furrowed her eyebrows wandering when they got into her room before her gaze slowly turned to the white walls.

Her room doesn't have white walls.

Looking around she noticed that she was in an all white room that looked like the ones in a hospital. Equipment lied to the sides of her bed and she watched as a tube leading out from one which carried some type of liquid led all the way to her arm that seemed to have a needle inside of it and was taped down. She looked at it curiously before reaching for it but was stopped by a strong hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, kiddo."

She looked up to her fathers solemn face and frowned at the concern held in his eyes that carried bags underneath them as if he hasn't slept a wink in days. She looked beside him at her mother who had red rimmed eyes as if she's been crying non stop and bags under her eyes as well. She looked between them before opening up her mouth to ask them why she was there but it only came out as a squeak from her dry throat. She watched as her mother quickly went over and grabbed the glass of water on the bedside table like her life depended on it and brought it over for her to drink. She helped her sit up and do so before laying her back down and setting the glass back where it was. Rosaline cleared her throat before trying to speak once again.

"W-why am I h-here?" Her voice sounded weird from not being used in a while and she cleared it again.

"You don't remember?" Her mother asked cautiously.

When she shook her head her parents looked to each other.

"You passed out, baby girl. We were told that it was because you didn't have enough nutrients in your body. The-" her father started before being cut off.

"I'm so sorry baby. It's all my fault. I should have taken care of you. I-I wasn't aware of what was going on with you b-because I was so tied up in my own stuff. I was so happy to have your father back even though it's been weeks a-and I just wanted to spend all of my time with him that I completely neglected you. I'm so, so sorry. My baby girl, I'm sorry. I'm the worst mother ever." Her mother wailed while falling to her knees. "I-it's all my fault. It's all my fault. She's my baby. It's all my fault. I'm sorry." She repeated over and over. Her father crouched down and brought her into his arms.

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